Earth 2.0 ET: What is China’s new project to find ‘Earth 2.0’? \
2 min read

Earth 2.0 ET: What is China’s new project to find ‘Earth 2.0’?

As per reports, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has launched a project called “Earth 2.0 ET”.The plan aims to find a planet similar to Earth orbiting a Sun-like star. What is the Earth 2.0 ET project? The Chinese white paper reveals that the mission will measure the occurrence rate and orbital distributions of eath-sized planets. […]
01-Jul-2022 Science
James Webb Space Telescope May Work Beyond Operational Life Time Frame \
2 min read

James Webb Space Telescope May Work Beyond Operational Life Time Frame

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, designed to investigate across the fields of astronomy and cosmology, was launched into space on Christmas Day i.e. December 25. Initially, having operational life of 5 to 10 years, the latest analysis by NASA found that James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) might have enough fuel to double its operational life. […]
30-Dec-2021 Technology