Researchers discover new mechanism that helps cells protect themselves from ferroptosis cancer \
3 min read

Researchers discover new mechanism that helps cells protect themselves from ferroptosis cancer

Heidelberg [Germany], September 19 (ANI): When free radicals become uncontrollable and destroy the protective cell membrane in a chain reaction, a cell dies of ferroptosis. When healthy cells are subjected to oxidative stress, they are occasionally damaged. Cancer cells, in particular, are vulnerable to ferroptosis due to their highly active metabolism, but many of them escape this fate. Researchers around the world are looking for the factors that make a cell susceptible or resistant to ferroptosis so that they can potentially influence this type of cell death therapeutically, according to a study.
19-Sep-2022 Health
A rare form of cancer found in mice \
4 min read

A rare form of cancer found in mice

Heidelberg [Germany], August 21 (ANI): Researchers from the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem have discovered the cell of origin of mixed liver/biliary duct carcinomas, a rare type of liver cancer, in mice. Interleukin 6 is a pro-inflammatory immunological messenger that has been linked to cancer development (IL-6). The amount and size of tumours were reduced in mice after IL-6 was blocked.
21-Aug-2022 Science
Scientists discover why vaccination against malaria loses its effect in short time \
4 min read

Scientists discover why vaccination against malaria loses its effect in short time

Washington [US], June 21 (ANI): Scientists at the German Cancer Research Center have studied the human immune response after immunization with the malaria pathogen Plasmodium falciparum. Their findings could explain why natural infections, to which people in endemic areas are constantly exposed, offer little protection against new diseases with other strains, and why the effect of the vaccination available to date lasts only a short time.
21-Jun-2022 Health