The Delhi High Court on Monday, while deciding the plea moved by a senior judge, directed the city government to reimburse him more than Rs 16 lakhs spent by him on the treatment of Covid-19 during the second wave in 2021.
New Delhi [India], August 28 (ANI): Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena on Saturday slammed the Directorate of Education (DoE), for showing an "utter lack of consideration and due diligence by officers" and flagged the "irresponsible and callous attitude of officers resulting in unnecessary litigation".
New Delhi [India], August 1 (ANI): The AAP government in the national capital has decided to extend the Delhi Excise Policy 2021-22 by extending the license tenure for shops selling liquor, before it brings back the old excise regime, according to sources.
New Delhi [India], July 5 (ANI): Delhi High Court on Tuesday refused to vacate the stay granted in an appeal moved by the Government of Delhi challenging the single bench order dated July 22, 2021, which had directed the state government to implement the promises made to pay rents of poor tenants by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
New Delhi [India], December 28 (ANI): Delhi government on Tuesday imposed more restrictions on social activities, economic activities, transportation movement in the national capital in view of rising Omicron and COVID-19 cases.