J-K govt launches first ever Gobhardhan plant in Jammu \
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J-K govt launches first ever Gobhardhan plant in Jammu

Jammu Apr 19 PTI Lieutenant Governor administration on Tuesday virtually launched the JKs first ever Gobardhan plant in a hamlet in Jammu district for safe management of cattle and organic waste and converting it into bio-gas as a national priority programme officials said The Commissioner Secretary Rural Development Department RDD Mandeep Kaur virtually inaugurated JKs first functional Gobardhan plant constructed under Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen SBM-G at village panchayat at Gigian of R S Pura block they said Director Rural Sanitation who was present in the village lit the gas stove connected with the plant and visited various beneficiary households Gobardhan a Janandolan on safe management of cattle and organic waste is being pursued as a national priority programme under SBM-G they said It aims to support villages in effectively managing their cattle and biodegradable waste It also helps villages to convert their waste to wealth improve environmental sanitation and curb diseases they said The gas produced from the plant can be used by these households for cooking purposes and the manure produced could be used in the fields by the beneficiaries officials said The project is based on a floating drum model which has been executed with a cost of Rs 15 lakh which has been funded through SBM-G they said As many as 20 households have been connected with the plant through pipes while Anganwadi centres and schools will also be connected with the project in future they said PTI AB RCJ
19-Apr-2022 National