Study of dinosaur teeth reveals surprising facts about their diet \
8 min read

Study of dinosaur teeth reveals surprising facts about their diet

A collaborative study between the Universities of Tokyo, Mainz and Hamburg on the teeth of dinosaurs has revealed surprising facts about their diet.
10-Dec-2022 Science
Discovery of new dinosaur teeth reveal what they didn’t eat \
8 min read

Discovery of new dinosaur teeth reveal what they didn’t eat

Scratches on dinosaur teeth could reveal what they really ate. For the first time, dental microwear texture analysis (DMTA) has been used to infer the feeding habits of large theropods, including Allosaurus and T. rex. By taking 3D images of individual teeth and analyzing the pattern of marks scratched into them, researchers could reason which dinosaurs may have frequently crunched on hard bone and which may have regularly eaten softer foods and prey.
09-Dec-2022 Science