Cara Delevingne to star in eco-action film ‘The Climb’ \
2 min read

Cara Delevingne to star in eco-action film ‘The Climb’

Washington [US], February 9 (ANI): Cara Delevingne is all set to star in the eco-action thriller 'The Climb'.
09-Feb-2022 Entertainment
Brazil’s Amazon deforestation surges to 15-year high \
3 min read

Brazil’s Amazon deforestation surges to 15-year high

Deforestation rates across the world are at an all-time high. However, the story is sadder for the Amazons as the levels are highest in the last 15 years. Amazon’s deforestation rates: Higher than ever before A new report published by INPE, Brazil’s space research agency shows that deforestation rates grew by 22 percent. Home to […]
19-Nov-2021 World
COP26 Greenpeace demands faster more ambitious response to climate emergency Covid \
6 min read

COP26 Greenpeace demands faster more ambitious response to climate emergency Covid

New Delhi Oct 31 PTI Greenpeace International on Sunday demanded a faster and more ambitious action plan in response to the climate emergency and COVID-19 saying the G20 Summit failed to confront the global crisisJennifer Morgan Executive Director of Greenpeace International said that the G20 Summits communique was weak and lacked ambition and visionIf the G20 was a dress rehearsal for COP26 then world leaders fluffed their linesTheir communique was weak lacking both ambition and vision and simply failed to meet the momentNow they move onto Glasgow where there is still a chance to seize a historic opportunity but the likes of Australia and Saudi Arabia need to be marginalised while rich countries need to finally grasp that the key to unlock COP26 is trust Morgan said The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes 26th climate conference COP 26 began on Sunday and will go on till November 12 in Glasgow in the UK where more than 180 countries will be participatingMorgan said that activists from around the world are in Glasgow demanding the missing action to protect everyone from both the climate crisis and COVID-19Governments must respond to the deadly warnings the planet is giving us and cut emissions drastically right now to stay in line with 15 degree Celsius and that requires stopping any new fossil fuel development and phase them outAt COP26 we will not let up and continue to push for more climate ambition as well as the rules and actions to back it up We need to stop all new fossil fuel projects immediately he saidGreenpeace India Executive Director Binu Jacob called for tough decisions on the part of India to address climate changeSouth Asia including India is one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change The latest IPCC report is suggestive that India might experience more frequent extreme weather events It is an undeniable fact that anthropogenic emissions have direct correlation with climateIndia has to take tough decisions to address climate issues at the same time it is the need for the developed countries to step up and take more responsibilities that help developing countries in climate adaptation and mitigation Jacob saidJacob said rich and developed countries have been historically responsible for emissions and they need to change their business and lifestyles that impact climate changeThe vulnerable countries and regions cannot afford to pay the price for the impact of climate change for the historical wrongs done Jacob saidGiuseppe Onufrio Executive Director of Greenpeace Italy too called for boost in renewables and cutting carbon emissions by Italy saying the Italian Prime Minister has urged G20 nations to up their ambition to honour a 15 degree Celsius pathway but we are calling on him to lead by example As COP co-presidency Italy must deliver ambitious climate targets that cut emissions at their source as quickly as possible and present a new ambitious plan which must not rely on false solutions such as carbon offsetting cut GHGs emissions and boost renewables Onufrio saidHe further said that emissions from G20 nationsaccount for around 76 per cent of global annual emissions and as of July 2021 only around half those emissions were covered by enhanced pledges to cut them in line with the Paris AgreementLarge emitters amongst G20 nations including Australia and India have yet to submit new NDCs At COP26 which starts today in Glasgow Greenpeace is calling on governments to urgently step up their climate ambition starting with a phase-out of fossil fuels and show solidarity with the countries which are the most vulnerable to the climate crisis he saidIn a similar view Morgan said that governments must reduce emissions at home and stop shifting that responsibility to more vulnerable communities through carbon offsetting schemes that compromise their livelihoodsWe are calling for true solidarity to support poorer countries to survive and adapt to the climate emergency Every moment spent where wealthy governments focus on corporations bottom lines rather than enacting solutions costs peoples lives she saidMorgan said that if they wanted to the G20 leaders could help solve COVID-19 with a TRIPS waiver to enable countries around the woresearch that led to the vaccine must lead to a Peoples Vaccine she saidGreenpeace Indias Jacob said that COP26 is one of the important opportunities for world leaders to show their strong commitment to tackle the climate breakdownThe world leaders must commit and act towards achieving the ambitious goal of limiting global temperature rise to 15C It is also pertinent to remember that most developed countries have not met their climate commitments or their responsibility towards the vulnerable countries Jacob said PTI AG TIR TIR
31-Oct-2021 National
COP26 Greenpeace demands faster more ambitious response to climate emergency Covid \
4 min read

COP26 Greenpeace demands faster more ambitious response to climate emergency Covid

New Delhi Oct 31 PTI Greenpeace International on Sunday demanded a faster and more ambitious action plan in response to the climate emergency and COVID-19 saying that the recent G20 Summit failed to confront the global crisisJennifer Morgan Executive Director of Greenpeace International said that the G20 Summits communique was weak and lacked ambition and visionIf the G20 was a dress rehearsal for COP26 then world leaders fluffed their lines Their communique was weak lacking both ambition and vision and simply failed to meet the momentNow they move onto Glasgow where there is still a chance to seize a historic opportunity but the likes of Australia and Saudi Arabia need to be marginalised while rich countries need to finally grasp that the key to unlock COP26 is trust Morgan saidThe United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changes 26th climate conference COP 26 began on Sunday and will go on till November 12 in Glasgow in the UK where more than 180 countries will be participatingMorgan said that activists from around the world are in Glasgow demanding the missing action to protect everyone from both the climate crisis and COVID-19Governments must respond to the deadly warnings the planet is giving us and cut emissions drastically right now to stay in line with 15 degree Celsius and that requires stopping any new fossil fuel development and phasing them outAt COP26 we will not let up and continue to push for more climate ambition as well as the rules and actions to back it up We need to stop all new fossil fuel projects immediately he saidGiuseppe Onufrio Executive Director of Greenpeace Italy too called for boost in renewables and cutting carbon emissions by Italy saying the Italian Prime Minister has urged G20 nations to up their ambition to honour a 15 degree Celsius pathway but we are calling on him to lead by example As COP co-presidency Italy must deliver ambitious climate targets that cut emissions at their source as quickly as possible and present a new ambitious plan which must not rely on false solutions such as carbon offsetting cut GHGs emissions and boost renewables Onufrio saidHe further said that emissions from G20 nations account for around 76 per cent of global annual emissions and as of July 2021 only around half those emissions were covered by enhanced pledges to cut them in line with the Paris AgreementLarge emitters amongst G20 nations including Australia and India have yet to submit new NDCs At COP26 which starts today in Glasgow Greenpeace is calling on governments to urgently step up their climate ambition starting with a phase-out of fossil fuels and show solidarity with the countries which are the most vulnerable to the climate crisis he saidIn a similar view Morgan said that governments must reduce emissions at home and stop shifting that responsibility to more vulnerable communities through carbon offsetting schemes that compromise their livelihoodsWe are calling for true solidarity to support poorer countries to survive and adapt to the climate emergency Every moment spent where wealthy governments focus on corporations bottom lines rather than enacting solutions costs peoples lives she saidMorgan said that if they wanted to the G20 leaders could help solve COVID-19 with a TRIPS Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights waiver to enable countries around the world to produce generic vaccines treatments and diagnostics that will allow poorer countries to protect their people equitablyPublicly-funded research that led to the vaccine must lead to a Peoples Vaccine she said PTI AG TIR TIR
31-Oct-2021 National
Estimated 57K premature deaths in Delhi last year can be attributed to air pollution Greenpeace \
3 min read

Estimated 57K premature deaths in Delhi last year can be attributed to air pollution Greenpeace

New Delhi Sep 22 PTI An estimated 57000 premature deaths in Delhi during 2020 can be attributed to air pollution Greenpeace India said Wednesday revealing the citys annual average air pollution levels exceeded the WHOs 2005 air quality guidelines AQG by nearly eight times and the new AQGs 174 timesAnalysing the new AQGs of the World Health Organization Greenpeace India said at least 79 of the worlds most populous cities breached the 2005 WHO annual mean PM 25 guidelines in 2020Greenpeace Indias analysis of PM 25 data aggregated by IQAir found that at least 79 of the worlds 100 most populous cities breached the outgoing WHO annual mean PM 25 guidelines in 2020In Delhi city-wide annual average air pollution levels exceeded the 2005 WHO guidelines by nearly eightfold in 2020 the highest margin of all cities in the dataset Greenpeace researchers estimate that 57000 premature deaths in Delhi during 2020 can be attributed to air pollution it saidGreenpeace said that for eight of the 100 cities PM 25 data for 2020 was unavailable due to a lack of government disclosure or monitoringThe remaining 13 cities met the guidelines on a city-wide scale according to IQAir data but hotspots within all 100 cities likely exceeded the guidelines locally for example in locations close to busy roads or industry it saidThe WHO Wednesday updated its air quality guidelines for the first time in 15 yearsThe new guidelines are derived from strong scientific evidence of the damage air pollution inflicts on human health and hence recommends new air quality levels based on reducing concentrations of key air pollutants Greenpeace India saidAccording to the new guidelines the annual PM25 mean now has been updated to 5gm3 compared to 10 gm3 in 2005 Similarly annual mean for PM10 is updated to 20gm3 to 15gm 3 and NO2 to 10gm3 from 40gm3Commenting on the announcement of new guidelines Greenpeace Indias senior climate campaigner Avinash Chanchal said India has economically viable tools to solve the air pollution crisisIn most parts of the world it is more cost-effective to develop renewable energy sources than to keep burning coal oil or gas even before taking the economic burden of air pollution into account At this point addressing air pollution is a question of political will not technology Chanchal saidAccording to Greenpeace India among 100 global cities Mumbais annual PM25 trends in 2020 exceeded 8 times more than WHOs revised air quality guidelines of 5 ugm3 Kolkata 94 Chennai 54 Hyderabad 7 fold and Ahmedabad exceeded 98 fold PTI AG TIR TIR
22-Sep-2021 National
UK’s trade deal with Australia to have ‘substantive clause’ on environment: Minister \
2 min read

UK’s trade deal with Australia to have ‘substantive clause’ on environment: Minister

Moscow [Russia], September 19 (ANI/Sputnik): United Kingdom's top climate official, COP26 President Alok Sharma, said on Sunday that the bilateral trade agreement with Australia will have a "substantive clause" on both countries' international climate commitments.
19-Sep-2021 World