Chennai Mar 19 PTI Four districts reported zero active Covid-19 cases as Tamil Nadu on Saturday logged 58 new infections pushing the caseload to 3452334 while the death toll remained unchanged with 38025 fatalities the Health department said Recoveries outnumbered new cases with 118 people getting discharged in the last 24 hours aggregating to 3413639 leaving 670 active infections a medical bulletin said Chennai reported a marginal increase with 24 new cases on Saturday as compared to 19 yesterday while the remaining districts reported new cases in single digit The state capital also leads among districts with 750877 cases overall Ariyalur Karur Mayiladuthurai Ranipet and Villupuram recorded zero active infections each A total of 36324 samples were tested in the last 24 hours pushing the cumulative number of specimens examined to 65231238 the bulletin said PTI VIJ VIJ SS SS
Chennai Dec 25 PTI Tamil Nadu on Saturday reported 606 new Covid-19 infections including three returnees from the United Kingdom Europe and Africa aggregating to 2743427 while the death toll rose to 36725 with 11 more deaths the Health Department said Recoveries eclipsed new infections with 685 people getting discharged in the last 24 hours totalling 2699994 leaving 6708 active infections a bulletin said A total of 101185 samples were tested in the last 24 hours pushing the cumulative number of specimens examined to 56826433 The State capital witnessed a sharp increase accounting majority of new infections with 165 cases followed by Coimbatore 87 Chengalpet 50 while the remaining were scattered across other districts As many as 24 districts reported new Covid-19 infections below 10 while Mayiladuthurai Nagapattinam Ranipet recorded nil cases the bulletin said PTI VIJ VIJ NVG NVG