World ‘dangerously unprepared’ for future pandemics unless leaders tackle inequalities, UNAIDS warns \
6 min read

World ‘dangerously unprepared’ for future pandemics unless leaders tackle inequalities, UNAIDS warns

Unless leaders tackle stark inequalities, the world could face 7.7 million AIDS-related deaths over the next 10 years, the Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) warned on Monday in a new report.
In an urgent call to action ahead of on 1 December, the agency focused on ending the disease as a public health threat by 2030, said that if transformative measures are not taken, the world will stay trapped in the crisis and remain dangerously unprepared for all future pandemics.

Infection every 2 minutes

The message comes as the UN Children’s Fund () reported that at least 310,000 children were newly infected with HIV in 2020, or one child every two minutes. Another 120,000 children died from AIDS-related causes during the same period, or one child every five minutes. Their  warns that the COVID-19 pandemic is deepening the inequalities that have long driven the HIV epidemic, putting vulnerable children, adolescents, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers at increased risk of missing life-saving HIV prevention and treatment services.

Progress ‘off track’ 

“Progress against the AIDS pandemic, which was already off track, is now under even greater strain as the COVID-19 crisis continues to rage, disrupting HIV prevention and treatment services, schooling, violence-prevention programmes and more,” Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director . “We cannot be forced to choose between ending the AIDS pandemic today and preparing for the pandemics of tomorrow. The only successful approach will achieve both”. According to UNICEF, 2 in 5 children living with HIV worldwide, do not know their status, and just over half of children with HIV are receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART). “Unless we ramp up efforts to resolve the inequalities driving the HIV epidemic, which are now exacerbated by COVID-19, we may see more children infected with HIV and more children losing their fight against AIDS,” Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director said.

Inequality defines infection patterns

The UNAIDS report found that some countries, including some with the highest rates of HIV, have made “remarkable progress” against AIDS. However, it pointed out that new HIV infections are not falling fast enough to stop the pandemic, with 1.5 million new HIV infections in 2020 and growing HIV infection rates in some countries. It also noted that infections are following lines of inequality. Six in seven new HIV infections among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa are occurring among adolescent girls. Gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers and people who use drugs, face a 25–35 times greater risk of acquiring HIV worldwide. According to UNICEF, sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 89 per cent of new HIV paediatric infections and 88 per cent of children and adolescents living with HIV worldwide. Some 88 per cent of AIDS-related child deaths were in sub-Saharan Africa.

COVID-19 undercuts response

Many countries saw significant disruptions in HIV services due to COVID-19 in early 2020, according to UNICEF’s report. HIV infant testing in high burden countries declined by 50 to 70 per cent, with new treatment initiations for children under 14 years of age, falling by 25 to 50 per cent. Lockdowns also contributed to increased infection rates due to spikes in gender-based violence and limited access to follow-up care. Several countries also experienced substantial reductions in health facility deliveries, maternal HIV testing and antiretroviral HIV treatment initiation. Fewer people living with HIV initiated treatment in 2020 in 40 of the 50 countries surveyed, according to UNAIDS. Harm reduction services for people who use drugs were also disrupted in 65 per cent of 130 countries the agency analysed.

‘Pandemics grow’ amidst division

The UNAID report examined five critical elements that it said must be urgently implemented to halt the AIDS pandemic but are under-funded and under-prioritized. These include community-led and community-based infrastructure, equitable access to medicines, vaccines and health technologies and supporting workers on the pandemic front lines. It also reiterated that human rights must be at the centre of pandemic responses, with people-centred data systems that highlight inequalities. “Pandemics find space to grow in the fractures of divided to end pandemics cannot succeed unless world leaders take the steps that will enable them to do so,” said Helen Clark, Co-Chair of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, in the UNAIDS report. Echoing those concerns, Ms. Fore said “building back better in a post-pandemic world must include HIV responses that are evidence-based, people-centred, resilient, sustainable and, above all, equitable. “To close the gaps, these initiatives must be delivered through a reinforced health care system and meaningful engagement of all affected communities, especially the most vulnerable.”
01-Dec-2021 United Nations
World ‘dangerously unprepared’ for future pandemics unless leaders tackle inequalities, UNAIDS warns \
6 min read

World ‘dangerously unprepared’ for future pandemics unless leaders tackle inequalities, UNAIDS warns

Unless leaders tackle stark inequalities, the world could face 7.7 million AIDS-related deaths over the next 10 years, the Joint UN Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) warned on Monday in a new report.
In an urgent call to action ahead of on 1 December, the agency focused on ending the disease as a public health threat by 2030, said that if transformative measures are not taken, the world will stay trapped in the crisis and remain dangerously unprepared for all future pandemics.

Infection every 2 minutes

The message comes as the UN Children’s Fund () reported that at least 310,000 children were newly infected with HIV in 2020, or one child every two minutes. Another 120,000 children died from AIDS-related causes during the same period, or one child every five minutes. Their  warns that the COVID-19 pandemic is deepening the inequalities that have long driven the HIV epidemic, putting vulnerable children, adolescents, pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers at increased risk of missing life-saving HIV prevention and treatment services.

Progress ‘off track’ 

“Progress against the AIDS pandemic, which was already off track, is now under even greater strain as the COVID-19 crisis continues to rage, disrupting HIV prevention and treatment services, schooling, violence-prevention programmes and more,” Winnie Byanyima, Executive Director . “We cannot be forced to choose between ending the AIDS pandemic today and preparing for the pandemics of tomorrow. The only successful approach will achieve both”. According to UNICEF, 2 in 5 children living with HIV worldwide, do not know their status, and just over half of children with HIV are receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART). “Unless we ramp up efforts to resolve the inequalities driving the HIV epidemic, which are now exacerbated by COVID-19, we may see more children infected with HIV and more children losing their fight against AIDS,” Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director said.

Inequality defines infection patterns

The UNAIDS report found that some countries, including some with the highest rates of HIV, have made “remarkable progress” against AIDS. However, it pointed out that new HIV infections are not falling fast enough to stop the pandemic, with 1.5 million new HIV infections in 2020 and growing HIV infection rates in some countries. It also noted that infections are following lines of inequality. Six in seven new HIV infections among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa are occurring among adolescent girls. Gay men and other men who have sex with men, sex workers and people who use drugs, face a 25–35 times greater risk of acquiring HIV worldwide. According to UNICEF, sub-Saharan Africa accounted for 89 per cent of new HIV paediatric infections and 88 per cent of children and adolescents living with HIV worldwide. Some 88 per cent of AIDS-related child deaths were in sub-Saharan Africa.

COVID-19 undercuts response

Many countries saw significant disruptions in HIV services due to COVID-19 in early 2020, according to UNICEF’s report. HIV infant testing in high burden countries declined by 50 to 70 per cent, with new treatment initiations for children under 14 years of age, falling by 25 to 50 per cent. Lockdowns also contributed to increased infection rates due to spikes in gender-based violence and limited access to follow-up care. Several countries also experienced substantial reductions in health facility deliveries, maternal HIV testing and antiretroviral HIV treatment initiation. Fewer people living with HIV initiated treatment in 2020 in 40 of the 50 countries surveyed, according to UNAIDS. Harm reduction services for people who use drugs were also disrupted in 65 per cent of 130 countries the agency analysed.

‘Pandemics grow’ amidst division

The UNAID report examined five critical elements that it said must be urgently implemented to halt the AIDS pandemic but are under-funded and under-prioritized. These include community-led and community-based infrastructure, equitable access to medicines, vaccines and health technologies and supporting workers on the pandemic front lines. It also reiterated that human rights must be at the centre of pandemic responses, with people-centred data systems that highlight inequalities. “Pandemics find space to grow in the fractures of divided to end pandemics cannot succeed unless world leaders take the steps that will enable them to do so,” said Helen Clark, Co-Chair of the Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response, in the UNAIDS report. Echoing those concerns, Ms. Fore said “building back better in a post-pandemic world must include HIV responses that are evidence-based, people-centred, resilient, sustainable and, above all, equitable. “To close the gaps, these initiatives must be delivered through a reinforced health care system and meaningful engagement of all affected communities, especially the most vulnerable.”
30-Nov-2021 United Nations
Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’  \
4 min read

Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’ 

Efforts to reform global pandemic preparedness and response are happening too slowly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response said on Monday. 
Presenting the findings of a six-month accountability , Co-chairs Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,  that “uneven” progress in addressing the pandemic continues to cause illness, deaths and economic losses.   Calling for Heads of State and Government to come together to make faster progress, especially at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders pointed out that with much of the groundwork done, now is the time to end the pandemic and prepare for the next global health threat.  

Immediate action needed 

In assessing the progress made since last May, the report covered the areas of leadership and governance, financing, equity, a new legal instrument, and a stronger .  Since May, the report noted that 90 million more people have contracted COVID 19, and 1.65 million have died.   Following the deep-dive into COVID-19 responses, immediate action was recommended for a package of international, interlinked reforms to stop a future outbreak.   “Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change”,  Ms. Clark. 

Unequal attention 

Unfortunately, vaccine inequity has changed very little. And in the poorest countries, less than one per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.  Although wealthy countries have publicly pledged donations, Ms. Sirleaf observed that “just a fraction of redistributed doses have actually been delivered”.   The co-chairs maintained that the pledged donations must be transparently planned to quickly deliver the vaccines and to develop, adding that “a true end-to-end global public goods model remains the answer”.  

Much more to be done  

The former leaders pointed to a speech delivered by  in  calling for the panel’s recommendations to be a starting point for urgent reforms to the global health architecture.   The co-chairs highlighted a growing momentum for a UN global summit as well as increasing support for a new top-level political leadership Global Health Threats Council to mobilize the strong collective commitment required for global health security, which should provide “much-needed leadership and accountability”.  

New financing  

The report stressed that “governance without finance lacks teeth; and finance without governance lacks accountability”.  The Independent Panel noted that the Global Health Threats Council should also allocate and monitor funding from a new financing mechanism that supports pandemic preparedness and responses.   At least $10 billion in new financing annually and up to $100 billion in a pool of response funding is needed for a pandemic threat, the report said.  “Our message is simple and clear: The current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Ms. Sirleaf. “And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time”. 
24-Nov-2021 United Nations
Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’  \
4 min read

Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’ 

Efforts to reform global pandemic preparedness and response are happening too slowly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response said on Monday. 
Presenting the findings of a six-month accountability , Co-chairs Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,  that “uneven” progress in addressing the pandemic continues to cause illness, deaths and economic losses.   Calling for Heads of State and Government to come together to make faster progress, especially at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders pointed out that with much of the groundwork done, now is the time to end the pandemic and prepare for the next global health threat.  

Immediate action needed 

In assessing the progress made since last May, the report covered the areas of leadership and governance, financing, equity, a new legal instrument, and a stronger .  Since May, the report noted that 90 million more people have contracted COVID 19, and 1.65 million have died.   Following the deep-dive into COVID-19 responses, immediate action was recommended for a package of international, interlinked reforms to stop a future outbreak.   “Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change”,  Ms. Clark. 

Unequal attention 

Unfortunately, vaccine inequity has changed very little. And in the poorest countries, less than one per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.  Although wealthy countries have publicly pledged donations, Ms. Sirleaf observed that “just a fraction of redistributed doses have actually been delivered”.   The co-chairs maintained that the pledged donations must be transparently planned to quickly deliver the vaccines and to develop, adding that “a true end-to-end global public goods model remains the answer”.  

Much more to be done  

The former leaders pointed to a speech delivered by  in  calling for the panel’s recommendations to be a starting point for urgent reforms to the global health architecture.   The co-chairs highlighted a growing momentum for a UN global summit as well as increasing support for a new top-level political leadership Global Health Threats Council to mobilize the strong collective commitment required for global health security, which should provide “much-needed leadership and accountability”.  

New financing  

The report stressed that “governance without finance lacks teeth; and finance without governance lacks accountability”.  The Independent Panel noted that the Global Health Threats Council should also allocate and monitor funding from a new financing mechanism that supports pandemic preparedness and responses.   At least $10 billion in new financing annually and up to $100 billion in a pool of response funding is needed for a pandemic threat, the report said.  “Our message is simple and clear: The current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Ms. Sirleaf. “And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time”. 
24-Nov-2021 United Nations
Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’  \
4 min read

Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’ 

Efforts to reform global pandemic preparedness and response are happening too slowly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response said on Monday. 
Presenting the findings of a six-month accountability , Co-chairs Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,  that “uneven” progress in addressing the pandemic continues to cause illness, deaths and economic losses.   Calling for Heads of State and Government to come together to make faster progress, especially at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders pointed out that with much of the groundwork done, now is the time to end the pandemic and prepare for the next global health threat.  

Immediate action needed 

In assessing the progress made since last May, the report covered the areas of leadership and governance, financing, equity, a new legal instrument, and a stronger .  Since May, the report noted that 90 million more people have contracted COVID 19, and 1.65 million have died.   Following the deep-dive into COVID-19 responses, immediate action was recommended for a package of international, interlinked reforms to stop a future outbreak.   “Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change”,  Ms. Clark. 

Unequal attention 

Unfortunately, vaccine inequity has changed very little. And in the poorest countries, less than one per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.  Although wealthy countries have publicly pledged donations, Ms. Sirleaf observed that “just a fraction of redistributed doses have actually been delivered”.   The co-chairs maintained that the pledged donations must be transparently planned to quickly deliver the vaccines and to develop, adding that “a true end-to-end global public goods model remains the answer”.  

Much more to be done  

The former leaders pointed to a speech delivered by  in  calling for the panel’s recommendations to be a starting point for urgent reforms to the global health architecture.   The co-chairs highlighted a growing momentum for a UN global summit as well as increasing support for a new top-level political leadership Global Health Threats Council to mobilize the strong collective commitment required for global health security, which should provide “much-needed leadership and accountability”.  

New financing  

The report stressed that “governance without finance lacks teeth; and finance without governance lacks accountability”.  The Independent Panel noted that the Global Health Threats Council should also allocate and monitor funding from a new financing mechanism that supports pandemic preparedness and responses.   At least $10 billion in new financing annually and up to $100 billion in a pool of response funding is needed for a pandemic threat, the report said.  “Our message is simple and clear: The current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Ms. Sirleaf. “And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time”. 
24-Nov-2021 United Nations
Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’  \
4 min read

Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’ 

Efforts to reform global pandemic preparedness and response are happening too slowly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response said on Monday. 
Presenting the findings of a six-month accountability , Co-chairs Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,  that “uneven” progress in addressing the pandemic continues to cause illness, deaths and economic losses.   Calling for Heads of State and Government to come together to make faster progress, especially at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders pointed out that with much of the groundwork done, now is the time to end the pandemic and prepare for the next global health threat.  

Immediate action needed 

In assessing the progress made since last May, the report covered the areas of leadership and governance, financing, equity, a new legal instrument, and a stronger .  Since May, the report noted that 90 million more people have contracted COVID 19, and 1.65 million have died.   Following the deep-dive into COVID-19 responses, immediate action was recommended for a package of international, interlinked reforms to stop a future outbreak.   “Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change”,  Ms. Clark. 

Unequal attention 

Unfortunately, vaccine inequity has changed very little. And in the poorest countries, less than one per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.  Although wealthy countries have publicly pledged donations, Ms. Sirleaf observed that “just a fraction of redistributed doses have actually been delivered”.   The co-chairs maintained that the pledged donations must be transparently planned to quickly deliver the vaccines and to develop, adding that “a true end-to-end global public goods model remains the answer”.  

Much more to be done  

The former leaders pointed to a speech delivered by  in  calling for the panel’s recommendations to be a starting point for urgent reforms to the global health architecture.   The co-chairs highlighted a growing momentum for a UN global summit as well as increasing support for a new top-level political leadership Global Health Threats Council to mobilize the strong collective commitment required for global health security, which should provide “much-needed leadership and accountability”.  

New financing  

The report stressed that “governance without finance lacks teeth; and finance without governance lacks accountability”.  The Independent Panel noted that the Global Health Threats Council should also allocate and monitor funding from a new financing mechanism that supports pandemic preparedness and responses.   At least $10 billion in new financing annually and up to $100 billion in a pool of response funding is needed for a pandemic threat, the report said.  “Our message is simple and clear: The current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Ms. Sirleaf. “And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time”. 
24-Nov-2021 United Nations
Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’  \
4 min read

Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’ 

Efforts to reform global pandemic preparedness and response are happening too slowly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response said on Monday. 
Presenting the findings of a six-month accountability , Co-chairs Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,  that “uneven” progress in addressing the pandemic continues to cause illness, deaths and economic losses.   Calling for Heads of State and Government to come together to make faster progress, especially at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders pointed out that with much of the groundwork done, now is the time to end the pandemic and prepare for the next global health threat.  

Immediate action needed 

In assessing the progress made since last May, the report covered the areas of leadership and governance, financing, equity, a new legal instrument, and a stronger .  Since May, the report noted that 90 million more people have contracted COVID 19, and 1.65 million have died.   Following the deep-dive into COVID-19 responses, immediate action was recommended for a package of international, interlinked reforms to stop a future outbreak.   “Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change”,  Ms. Clark. 

Unequal attention 

Unfortunately, vaccine inequity has changed very little. And in the poorest countries, less than one per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.  Although wealthy countries have publicly pledged donations, Ms. Sirleaf observed that “just a fraction of redistributed doses have actually been delivered”.   The co-chairs maintained that the pledged donations must be transparently planned to quickly deliver the vaccines and to develop, adding that “a true end-to-end global public goods model remains the answer”.  

Much more to be done  

The former leaders pointed to a speech delivered by  in  calling for the panel’s recommendations to be a starting point for urgent reforms to the global health architecture.   The co-chairs highlighted a growing momentum for a UN global summit as well as increasing support for a new top-level political leadership Global Health Threats Council to mobilize the strong collective commitment required for global health security, which should provide “much-needed leadership and accountability”.  

New financing  

The report stressed that “governance without finance lacks teeth; and finance without governance lacks accountability”.  The Independent Panel noted that the Global Health Threats Council should also allocate and monitor funding from a new financing mechanism that supports pandemic preparedness and responses.   At least $10 billion in new financing annually and up to $100 billion in a pool of response funding is needed for a pandemic threat, the report said.  “Our message is simple and clear: The current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Ms. Sirleaf. “And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time”. 
24-Nov-2021 United Nations
Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’  \
4 min read

Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’ 

Efforts to reform global pandemic preparedness and response are happening too slowly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response said on Monday. 
Presenting the findings of a six-month accountability , Co-chairs Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,  that “uneven” progress in addressing the pandemic continues to cause illness, deaths and economic losses.   Calling for Heads of State and Government to come together to make faster progress, especially at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders pointed out that with much of the groundwork done, now is the time to end the pandemic and prepare for the next global health threat.  

Immediate action needed 

In assessing the progress made since last May, the report covered the areas of leadership and governance, financing, equity, a new legal instrument, and a stronger .  Since May, the report noted that 90 million more people have contracted COVID 19, and 1.65 million have died.   Following the deep-dive into COVID-19 responses, immediate action was recommended for a package of international, interlinked reforms to stop a future outbreak.   “Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change”,  Ms. Clark. 

Unequal attention 

Unfortunately, vaccine inequity has changed very little. And in the poorest countries, less than one per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.  Although wealthy countries have publicly pledged donations, Ms. Sirleaf observed that “just a fraction of redistributed doses have actually been delivered”.   The co-chairs maintained that the pledged donations must be transparently planned to quickly deliver the vaccines and to develop, adding that “a true end-to-end global public goods model remains the answer”.  

Much more to be done  

The former leaders pointed to a speech delivered by  in  calling for the panel’s recommendations to be a starting point for urgent reforms to the global health architecture.   The co-chairs highlighted a growing momentum for a UN global summit as well as increasing support for a new top-level political leadership Global Health Threats Council to mobilize the strong collective commitment required for global health security, which should provide “much-needed leadership and accountability”.  

New financing  

The report stressed that “governance without finance lacks teeth; and finance without governance lacks accountability”.  The Independent Panel noted that the Global Health Threats Council should also allocate and monitor funding from a new financing mechanism that supports pandemic preparedness and responses.   At least $10 billion in new financing annually and up to $100 billion in a pool of response funding is needed for a pandemic threat, the report said.  “Our message is simple and clear: The current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Ms. Sirleaf. “And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time”. 
24-Nov-2021 United Nations
Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’  \
4 min read

Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’ 

Efforts to reform global pandemic preparedness and response are happening too slowly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response said on Monday. 
Presenting the findings of a six-month accountability , Co-chairs Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,  that “uneven” progress in addressing the pandemic continues to cause illness, deaths and economic losses.   Calling for Heads of State and Government to come together to make faster progress, especially at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders pointed out that with much of the groundwork done, now is the time to end the pandemic and prepare for the next global health threat.  

Immediate action needed 

In assessing the progress made since last May, the report covered the areas of leadership and governance, financing, equity, a new legal instrument, and a stronger .  Since May, the report noted that 90 million more people have contracted COVID 19, and 1.65 million have died.   Following the deep-dive into COVID-19 responses, immediate action was recommended for a package of international, interlinked reforms to stop a future outbreak.   “Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change”,  Ms. Clark. 

Unequal attention 

Unfortunately, vaccine inequity has changed very little. And in the poorest countries, less than one per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.  Although wealthy countries have publicly pledged donations, Ms. Sirleaf observed that “just a fraction of redistributed doses have actually been delivered”.   The co-chairs maintained that the pledged donations must be transparently planned to quickly deliver the vaccines and to develop, adding that “a true end-to-end global public goods model remains the answer”.  

Much more to be done  

The former leaders pointed to a speech delivered by  in  calling for the panel’s recommendations to be a starting point for urgent reforms to the global health architecture.   The co-chairs highlighted a growing momentum for a UN global summit as well as increasing support for a new top-level political leadership Global Health Threats Council to mobilize the strong collective commitment required for global health security, which should provide “much-needed leadership and accountability”.  

New financing  

The report stressed that “governance without finance lacks teeth; and finance without governance lacks accountability”.  The Independent Panel noted that the Global Health Threats Council should also allocate and monitor funding from a new financing mechanism that supports pandemic preparedness and responses.   At least $10 billion in new financing annually and up to $100 billion in a pool of response funding is needed for a pandemic threat, the report said.  “Our message is simple and clear: The current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Ms. Sirleaf. “And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time”. 
24-Nov-2021 United Nations
Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’  \
4 min read

Current system will not protect us from the next pandemic, ‘which could happen at any time’ 

Efforts to reform global pandemic preparedness and response are happening too slowly, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Independent Panel for Pandemic Preparedness and Response said on Monday. 
Presenting the findings of a six-month accountability , Co-chairs Helen Clark, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, former President of Liberia,  that “uneven” progress in addressing the pandemic continues to cause illness, deaths and economic losses.   Calling for Heads of State and Government to come together to make faster progress, especially at the UN General Assembly, the two leaders pointed out that with much of the groundwork done, now is the time to end the pandemic and prepare for the next global health threat.  

Immediate action needed 

In assessing the progress made since last May, the report covered the areas of leadership and governance, financing, equity, a new legal instrument, and a stronger .  Since May, the report noted that 90 million more people have contracted COVID 19, and 1.65 million have died.   Following the deep-dive into COVID-19 responses, immediate action was recommended for a package of international, interlinked reforms to stop a future outbreak.   “Given the scale of devastation from this pandemic and its continuing impact on people across the globe, the Panel resolved to document fully what happened and why, and to make bold recommendations for change”,  Ms. Clark. 

Unequal attention 

Unfortunately, vaccine inequity has changed very little. And in the poorest countries, less than one per cent of the population are fully vaccinated.  Although wealthy countries have publicly pledged donations, Ms. Sirleaf observed that “just a fraction of redistributed doses have actually been delivered”.   The co-chairs maintained that the pledged donations must be transparently planned to quickly deliver the vaccines and to develop, adding that “a true end-to-end global public goods model remains the answer”.  

Much more to be done  

The former leaders pointed to a speech delivered by  in  calling for the panel’s recommendations to be a starting point for urgent reforms to the global health architecture.   The co-chairs highlighted a growing momentum for a UN global summit as well as increasing support for a new top-level political leadership Global Health Threats Council to mobilize the strong collective commitment required for global health security, which should provide “much-needed leadership and accountability”.  

New financing  

The report stressed that “governance without finance lacks teeth; and finance without governance lacks accountability”.  The Independent Panel noted that the Global Health Threats Council should also allocate and monitor funding from a new financing mechanism that supports pandemic preparedness and responses.   At least $10 billion in new financing annually and up to $100 billion in a pool of response funding is needed for a pandemic threat, the report said.  “Our message is simple and clear: The current system failed to protect us from the COVID-19 pandemic”, said Ms. Sirleaf. “And if we do not act to change it now, it will not protect us from the next pandemic threat, which could happen at any time”. 
24-Nov-2021 United Nations