Afghan Human rights Commission confirms reports of civilian shooting in Balkhab \
3 min read

Afghan Human rights Commission confirms reports of civilian shooting in Balkhab

Kabul [Afghanistan], June 30 (ANI): The Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission confirmed the reports of civilian shootings in Balkhab, adding that the Taliban killed the public and prisoners during an attack in the district, displacing people.
30-Jun-2022 World
Taliban force shopkeepers to install white flag in shop \
3 min read

Taliban force shopkeepers to install white flag in shop

Kabul [Afghanistan], June 15 (ANI): Taliban forces in Afghanistan's Kandahar city have compelled the shopkeepers to instal their group's white flag in their shops and buildings. Health clinics and public baths have too been asked to follow the suit.
15-Jun-2022 World
Taliban prohibits girls from wearing make-up, short clothes at Herat University \
2 min read

Taliban prohibits girls from wearing make-up, short clothes at Herat University

Kabul [Afghanistan], March 14 (ANI): In another clampdown on Afghan women, the Taliban have ordered girl students at the Herat University not to wear make-up and short clothes, reported local media.
14-Mar-2022 World