Pune Feb 24 PTI A day after question paper sets of Class 12 exams were gutted in a fire the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education MSBSHSE on Thursday said it has rescheduled examinations for some subjects The question paper sets of various subjects of Class 12 HSC Maharashtra board exams were gutted on Wednesday morning after the truck transporting them caught fire in Ahmednagar districtThe board on Thursday announced that the papers of second and third language subjects which were scheduled to take place on March 5 and March 7 will now be held on April 5 and April 7According to the board officials Hindi German Japanese Chinese and Persian language exams were scheduled on March 5 while those of Marathi Gujarati Kannada Sindhi Arabic Malayalam Tamil Telugu Punjabi Bengali Urdu French Spanish and Pali were scheduled on March 7The truck that caught fire was transporting papers of exams which were to be held on March 5 and 7 and since the confidentiality of these papers has been compromised we have decided to reschedule these exams As per the protocol these papers will have to be reset and reprinted for all nine divisions MSBSHSE chairperson Sharad Gosavi saidExams which were scheduled on March 5 will take place on April 5 and those scheduled on March 7 will take place on April 7 he saidA truck carrying the question paper sets of Class 12 suddenly caught fire near Sangamner ghat in Ahmednagar district on Wednesday morning The boxes containing question papers of various subjects were destroyed in the blaze and lay scattered on the road a police official saidSmoke started billowing from the truck while it was on the move The driver and other occupants jumped out Soon the truck caught fire and the paper sets were gutted he said adding that the police and fire brigade personnel rushed to the spot and extinguished the flamesAll exam papers were of the Pune division and were being transported to the cityThe High Secondary Certificate Class 12 exam of the state board is scheduled to take place from March 4 PTI SPK ARU ARU
Pune Feb 23 PTI The question paper sets of various subjects of Class 12 HSC Maharashtra board exams were gutted on Wednesday morning after the truck carrying them caught fire in Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra officials said The question paper sets of the Pune division of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education MSBSHSE were being transported from Madhya Pradesh to Maharashtra when the incident took place they said The state boards offline exams for Class 12 are scheduled to begin from March 4 A truck carrying the question paper sets of Class 12 suddenly caught fire near Sangamner ghat in Ahmednagar district The boxes containing question papers of various subjects were destroyed due to the blaze and later lay scattered on the road boards chairperson Sharad Gosavi said Ahmednagar Superintendent of Police Manoj Patil said the incident took place around 7 am As per the preliminary information smoke started billowing from the truck when it was moving The driver and other occupants jumped out Soon the truck caught fire and the paper sets were gutted he said After being informed about the blaze the police and fire brigade personnel rushed to the spot and extinguished the fire he said PTI SPK NP NP