Scientists develop immunogen that produces tier-2 antibodies against HIV \
4 min read

Scientists develop immunogen that produces tier-2 antibodies against HIV

Pennsylvania [US], February 7 (ANI): Nearly four decades after its discovery, HIV has killed 36.3 million people, with no vaccine in sight. And many people are still not open in talking about it due to the stigma attached to it. However, a new study by researchers at The Wistar Institute has taken a promising step in the direction of developing an HIV vaccine.
07-Feb-2022 Health
A highly virulent strain of HIV discovered in the Netherlands \
3 min read

A highly virulent strain of HIV discovered in the Netherlands

Oxford University researchers Identified a new highly virulent HIV strain in the Netherlands. The strain has been lurking around for decades and is not affected by modern treatments. Here’s all you need to know. Highly virulent HIV strain discovered On Thursday Researchers from the University of Oxford disclosed the presence of a highly virulent HIV […]
04-Feb-2022 World
In a rare case, a woman with HIV has ‘cleared’ the virus without treatment \
5 min read

In a rare case, a woman with HIV has ‘cleared’ the virus without treatment

A rare case of a lady from Argentina claims to cure herself of HIV without the use of drugs or treatment. Thereby, making her the world’s second documented example of this kind. Doctors believe that in this rare case of HIV, the infection was eradicated by the patient’s immune system on its own. According to […]
17-Nov-2021 World