Hockey Chandigarh gives cash awards to players for first time It was for the first time when Hockey Chandigarh awarded the players with cash awardsWhile the five players got Rs5 lakh each Chandigarh Hockey Academy coach Gurminder Singh was awarded Rs25 lakhKaran Gilhotra president Hockey Chandigarh extended his wishes to Dr PJ Singh Senior Vice-President Hockey Chandigarh and CMD Tynor for awarding the players with cash awardsWhile talking on the sidelines of an honouring ceremony organised by Hockey Chandigarh five Olympians - Rupinder Pal Singh Gurjant Singh Monika Malik Sharmila Devi and Reena Khokhar all former trainees of Chandigarh Hockey Academy CHA - voiced for a better future of traineesThey were part of the Chandigarh Hockey Academy for girls and stayed at Government Model Senior Secondary School Sector 18