Speaking on PM Gati Shakti Mission, Goyal said, "The project would bring synergy among the ongoing infrastructure projects undertaken by different ministries. Several Ministries of the government have been brought on one platform under this Mission. These include Railways, Roads and Highways, Petroleum and Natural Gas, Telecommunication, Power, Shipping, and Civil Aviation."
Patna (Bihar) [India], February 8 (ANI): In a bid to draw the Centre's attention to the perennial problem of floods, caused every year by the increase in the level of water in the Ganga due to the accumulation of silt, Bihar Water Resources Minister Sanjay Kumar Jha on Tuesday wrote to Sarbananda Sonowal, Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways, requesting for appropriate action to prevent the damage caused by the operation of cargo ships in the Ganga near Ismailpur Bindtoli embankment of Bhagalpur.