Improved air quality found to have accelerated global warming in recent decades: Research \
3 min read

Improved air quality found to have accelerated global warming in recent decades: Research

Washington [US], September 22 (ANI): An international research team has used satellite data to demonstrate that concentrations of pollutant particles have decreased significantly since the year 2000. This is desirable due to their impact on health. But it is also of great significance for another reason, since it has reduced the particles' cooling effect on the climate.
22-Sep-2022 Science
Scientists warn of climate catastrophe due to ‘unprecedented’ heatwaves at Earth’s poles \
2 min read

Scientists warn of climate catastrophe due to ‘unprecedented’ heatwaves at Earth’s poles

Heatwaves at both poles of the earth are alarming climate experts. They believe such “unprecedented” events could spark a faster and more severe climatic breakdown than previously imagined. Temperatures in some sections of Antarctica reached 40 degrees Celsius above usual which prompted the warnings. Also, temperatures at the north pole reached 30 degrees Celsius above normal. Thereby, […]
22-Mar-2022 World
Will support real climate action, serious climate justice: India at UN meeting on ‘Climate Finance for Sustaining Peace and Security’ \
3 min read

Will support real climate action, serious climate justice: India at UN meeting on ‘Climate Finance for Sustaining Peace and Security’

New York [US], March 10 (ANI): India on Wednesday (local time) said that it will always support "real climate action" and "serious climate justice" at a UN meeting on "Climate Finance for Sustaining Peace & Security."
10-Mar-2022 World
Unavoidable multiple climate hazards in next 2 decades warns IPPC report \
4 min read

Unavoidable multiple climate hazards in next 2 decades warns IPPC report

New Delhi Feb 28 PTI Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions around the world despite efforts to reduce the risks scientists warned in the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC report released on Monday This report is a dire warning about the consequences of inaction said Hoesung Lee Chair of the IPCC while releasing the report Climate Change 2022 Impacts Adaptation and Vulnerability It shows that climate change is a grave and mounting threat to our wellbeing and a healthy planet Our actions today will shape how people adapt and nature responds to increasing climate risks Lee said during a virtual press conference The world faces unavoidable multiple climate hazards over the next two decades with global warming of 15C the report said adding that even temporarily exceeding this warming level will result in additional severe impacts some of which will be irreversible Risks for society will increase including to infrastructure and low-lying coastal settlements scientists said in the report In his address United Nations Secretary General Antonnio Gueterres cautioned that global emissions are expected to increase by 14 per cent in the coming decade which can have catastrophic consequences This critically important UN report authored by 270 scientists from 67 countries and approved by 195 governments shows that worsening climate impacts are wreaking havoc in every part of the world and are affecting every living thing on the planet humans animals plants entire ecosystemsThe Working Group II report is the second instalment of the IPCCs Sixth Assessment Report AR6 which will be completed this year The report sounded a strong warning that much bolder action is needed immediately to cut greenhouse gas emissions as well as to adapt to the increasing climate impacts and protect the most vulnerable Increased heatwaves droughts and floods are already exceeding plants and animals tolerance thresholds driving mass mortalities in species such as trees and corals These weather extremes are occurring simultaneously causing cascading impacts that are increasingly difficult to manage They have exposed millions of people to acute food and water insecurity especially in Africa Asia Central and South America on small islands and in the Arctic the report said The summary for policymakers of the IPCC Working Group II report was approved on Sunday by 195 member governments of the IPCC through a virtual approval session that was held over two weeks starting on February 14 Scientists point out that climate change interacts with global trends such as unsustainable use of natural resources growing urbanization social inequalities losses and damages from extreme events and a pandemic jeopardizing future development Healthy ecosystems are more resilient to climate change and provide life-critical services such as food and clean water said IPCC Working Group II Co-Chair Hans-Otto Prtner By restoring degraded ecosystems and effectively and equitably conserving 30 to 50 per cent of Earths land freshwater and ocean habitats the society can benefit from natures capacity to absorb and store carbon and we can accelerate progress towards sustainable development but adequate finance and political support are essential he said PTI AG CJ CJ
28-Feb-2022 National
UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action \
3 min read

UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action

Wednesday’s announcement that China and the United States have agreed to collaborate more closely on climate action was hailed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres as an important step in the right direction.
News of the joint declaration between the two countries, both major emitters of greenhouse gases, came late in the evening in Glasgow, where the 2021 UN climate conference, COP26, has been under way since last week. The statement refers to the recently released from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (), which described the urgent need to tackle the climate emergency in alarming detail, and states that both countries recognize the seriousness of the crisis, whilst accepting the significant gaps that remain, between efforts currently being made to tackle it, and the steps that are needed to achieve the goals of the , reached at COP21 in 2015.
In Paris, leaders pledged to try to keep the world from warming by more than between 1.5C to 2C through sweeping emissions cuts. According to press reports, elements of collaboration outlined in the document include regulatory frameworks and environmental standards related to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the 2020s policies to encourage decarbonization and electrification of end-use sectors and increased action to control and reduce methane emissions. In his , António Guterres welcomed the agreement by China and the US to work together to take more ambitious climate action in this decade, and noted that the crisis requires international collaboration and solidarity. Following the surprise announcement, the top climate envoys of both countries held back-to-back news conferences at COP26. “There is more agreement between the US and China than divergence, making it an area ofhuge potential for cooperation,” China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said, adding that: “By working together our two countries can achieve many important things that are beneficial not only to our two countries but the world as a whole.” Up next, US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry said he was “pleased” about the agreement between the two countries and added: “Every step matters right now, and we have a long journey ahead of us.”

Find out more about all the announcements and events on Wednesday at COP26.

12-Nov-2021 United Nations
UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action \
3 min read

UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action

Wednesday’s announcement that China and the United States have agreed to collaborate more closely on climate action was hailed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres as an important step in the right direction.
News of the joint declaration between the two countries, both major emitters of greenhouse gases, came late in the evening in Glasgow, where the 2021 UN climate conference, COP26, has been under way since last week. The statement refers to the recently released from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (), which described the urgent need to tackle the climate emergency in alarming detail, and states that both countries recognize the seriousness of the crisis, whilst accepting the significant gaps that remain, between efforts currently being made to tackle it, and the steps that are needed to achieve the goals of the , reached at COP21 in 2015.
In Paris, leaders pledged to try to keep the world from warming by more than between 1.5C to 2C through sweeping emissions cuts. According to press reports, elements of collaboration outlined in the document include regulatory frameworks and environmental standards related to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the 2020s policies to encourage decarbonization and electrification of end-use sectors and increased action to control and reduce methane emissions. In his , António Guterres welcomed the agreement by China and the US to work together to take more ambitious climate action in this decade, and noted that the crisis requires international collaboration and solidarity. Following the surprise announcement, the top climate envoys of both countries held back-to-back news conferences at COP26. “There is more agreement between the US and China than divergence, making it an area ofhuge potential for cooperation,” China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said, adding that: “By working together our two countries can achieve many important things that are beneficial not only to our two countries but the world as a whole.” Up next, US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry said he was “pleased” about the agreement between the two countries and added: “Every step matters right now, and we have a long journey ahead of us.”

Find out more about all the announcements and events on Wednesday at COP26.

12-Nov-2021 United Nations
UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action \
3 min read

UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action

Wednesday’s announcement that China and the United States have agreed to collaborate more closely on climate action was hailed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres as an important step in the right direction.
News of the joint declaration between the two countries, both major emitters of greenhouse gases, came late in the evening in Glasgow, where the 2021 UN climate conference, COP26, has been under way since last week. The statement refers to the recently released from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (), which described the urgent need to tackle the climate emergency in alarming detail, and states that both countries recognize the seriousness of the crisis, whilst accepting the significant gaps that remain, between efforts currently being made to tackle it, and the steps that are needed to achieve the goals of the , reached at COP21 in 2015.
In Paris, leaders pledged to try to keep the world from warming by more than between 1.5C to 2C through sweeping emissions cuts. According to press reports, elements of collaboration outlined in the document include regulatory frameworks and environmental standards related to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the 2020s policies to encourage decarbonization and electrification of end-use sectors and increased action to control and reduce methane emissions. In his , António Guterres welcomed the agreement by China and the US to work together to take more ambitious climate action in this decade, and noted that the crisis requires international collaboration and solidarity. Following the surprise announcement, the top climate envoys of both countries held back-to-back news conferences at COP26. “There is more agreement between the US and China than divergence, making it an area ofhuge potential for cooperation,” China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said, adding that: “By working together our two countries can achieve many important things that are beneficial not only to our two countries but the world as a whole.” Up next, US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry said he was “pleased” about the agreement between the two countries and added: “Every step matters right now, and we have a long journey ahead of us.”

Find out more about all the announcements and events on Wednesday at COP26.

12-Nov-2021 United Nations
UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action \
3 min read

UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action

Wednesday’s announcement that China and the United States have agreed to collaborate more closely on climate action was hailed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres as an important step in the right direction.
News of the joint declaration between the two countries, both major emitters of greenhouse gases, came late in the evening in Glasgow, where the 2021 UN climate conference, COP26, has been under way since last week. The statement refers to the recently released from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (), which described the urgent need to tackle the climate emergency in alarming detail, and states that both countries recognize the seriousness of the crisis, whilst accepting the significant gaps that remain, between efforts currently being made to tackle it, and the steps that are needed to achieve the goals of the , reached at COP21 in 2015.
In Paris, leaders pledged to try to keep the world from warming by more than between 1.5C to 2C through sweeping emissions cuts. According to press reports, elements of collaboration outlined in the document include regulatory frameworks and environmental standards related to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the 2020s policies to encourage decarbonization and electrification of end-use sectors and increased action to control and reduce methane emissions. In his , António Guterres welcomed the agreement by China and the US to work together to take more ambitious climate action in this decade, and noted that the crisis requires international collaboration and solidarity. Following the surprise announcement, the top climate envoys of both countries held back-to-back news conferences at COP26. “There is more agreement between the US and China than divergence, making it an area ofhuge potential for cooperation,” China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said, adding that: “By working together our two countries can achieve many important things that are beneficial not only to our two countries but the world as a whole.” Up next, US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry said he was “pleased” about the agreement between the two countries and added: “Every step matters right now, and we have a long journey ahead of us.”

Find out more about all the announcements and events on Wednesday at COP26.

12-Nov-2021 United Nations
UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action \
3 min read

UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action

Wednesday’s announcement that China and the United States have agreed to collaborate more closely on climate action was hailed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres as an important step in the right direction.
News of the joint declaration between the two countries, both major emitters of greenhouse gases, came late in the evening in Glasgow, where the 2021 UN climate conference, COP26, has been under way since last week. The statement refers to the recently released from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (), which described the urgent need to tackle the climate emergency in alarming detail, and states that both countries recognize the seriousness of the crisis, whilst accepting the significant gaps that remain, between efforts currently being made to tackle it, and the steps that are needed to achieve the goals of the , reached at COP21 in 2015.
In Paris, leaders pledged to try to keep the world from warming by more than between 1.5C to 2C through sweeping emissions cuts. According to press reports, elements of collaboration outlined in the document include regulatory frameworks and environmental standards related to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the 2020s policies to encourage decarbonization and electrification of end-use sectors and increased action to control and reduce methane emissions. In his , António Guterres welcomed the agreement by China and the US to work together to take more ambitious climate action in this decade, and noted that the crisis requires international collaboration and solidarity. Following the surprise announcement, the top climate envoys of both countries held back-to-back news conferences at COP26. “There is more agreement between the US and China than divergence, making it an area ofhuge potential for cooperation,” China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said, adding that: “By working together our two countries can achieve many important things that are beneficial not only to our two countries but the world as a whole.” Up next, US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry said he was “pleased” about the agreement between the two countries and added: “Every step matters right now, and we have a long journey ahead of us.”

Find out more about all the announcements and events on Wednesday at COP26.

12-Nov-2021 United Nations
UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action \
3 min read

UN chief welcomes China-US pledge to cooperate on climate action

Wednesday’s announcement that China and the United States have agreed to collaborate more closely on climate action was hailed by UN Secretary-General António Guterres as an important step in the right direction.
News of the joint declaration between the two countries, both major emitters of greenhouse gases, came late in the evening in Glasgow, where the 2021 UN climate conference, COP26, has been under way since last week. The statement refers to the recently released from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (), which described the urgent need to tackle the climate emergency in alarming detail, and states that both countries recognize the seriousness of the crisis, whilst accepting the significant gaps that remain, between efforts currently being made to tackle it, and the steps that are needed to achieve the goals of the , reached at COP21 in 2015.
In Paris, leaders pledged to try to keep the world from warming by more than between 1.5C to 2C through sweeping emissions cuts. According to press reports, elements of collaboration outlined in the document include regulatory frameworks and environmental standards related to reducing emissions of greenhouse gases in the 2020s policies to encourage decarbonization and electrification of end-use sectors and increased action to control and reduce methane emissions. In his , António Guterres welcomed the agreement by China and the US to work together to take more ambitious climate action in this decade, and noted that the crisis requires international collaboration and solidarity. Following the surprise announcement, the top climate envoys of both countries held back-to-back news conferences at COP26. “There is more agreement between the US and China than divergence, making it an area ofhuge potential for cooperation,” China’s climate envoy Xie Zhenhua said, adding that: “By working together our two countries can achieve many important things that are beneficial not only to our two countries but the world as a whole.” Up next, US Special Climate Envoy John Kerry said he was “pleased” about the agreement between the two countries and added: “Every step matters right now, and we have a long journey ahead of us.”

Find out more about all the announcements and events on Wednesday at COP26.

12-Nov-2021 United Nations