Keertana, a transgender from Madurai, is training eight bulls for the upcoming Jallikattu festival. For the last four years, Keertana has dedicated herself to this cause. Two other members from the transgender community are helping Keertana in the maintenance of the bulls.
The Supreme Court on Thursday reserved its judgement on a batch of petitions challenging the Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra governments' laws allowing the bull-taming sport "Jallikattu" and bullock cart races.
Supreme Court on Thursday reserved its judgment on a batch of petitions challenging Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra governments' laws allowing the bull-taming sport "Jallikattu" and bullock cart races.
The Tamil Nadu government on Tuesday told the Supreme Court that sporting events can also be cultural events and there is no cruelty on the bulls during Tamil Nadu's traditional bull-taming sport -- 'Jallikattu'.
The Supreme Court on Thursday asked the Tamil Nadu government whether an animal can be used in a bull-taming sport like "Jallikattu" for the entertainment of humans.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday while hearing a batch of petitions challenging Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra governments' laws allowing bull-taming sport "Jallikattu" and bullock cart races, was told that the Constitution recognises that cruelty to animals is an activity which ought not to be perpetuated.
Jallikattu is conducted during the Pongal festival as thanksgiving for a good harvest and subsequent festivals are conducted in temples which shows that the event has great cultural and spiritual significance, it has added.
The top court had earlier said that the petitions challenging the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Tamil Nadu Amendment) Act, 2017, needed to be decided by a larger bench since they involved substantial questions relating to the interpretation of the Constitution.
New Delhi [India], September 29 (ANI): The Supreme Court on Thursday posted for hearing a batch of petitions challenging Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra government's laws allowing bull-taming sport "Jallikattu" and bullock cart races on November 22.
Madurai (Tamil Nadu) [India], April 19 (ANI): Madurai District Court on Tuesday ordered the release of 23 people arrested in connection with a train blockade in 2017 demanding Jallikattu.