The 51st Kerala State Film Awards has been announced and all are ecstatic on knowing about the winners. The minister of Kerala Film Development Corporation and Chalachitra Academy, Saji Cheriyan, has announced the winners. There were many movies, actors, actresses and others contesting in various categories. But it is Jeo Baby’s movie The Great Indian […]
Sunny starring Jayasurya in the lead role is out on Amazon Prime Video. Going by the teaser and trailer, the Malayalam film has lots of hope attached to it. The plot of the drama revolves around the actor who is lonely and has failed in his personal and professional life. This leads him to go […]
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], September 20 (ANI): Amazon Prime Video unveiled the captivating trailer of actor Jayasurya's much-awaited 100th film Sunny, which releases on September 23.
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], September 15 (ANI): With a career spanning over two decades in the film industry, actor Jayasurya is all set to turn 100 films old with the upcoming project 'Sunny'.
The new bench was supposed to hear the cases afresh from May 3 and the Advocate General requested that the cases be heard at the earliest DC file photoVIJAYAWADA The Andhra Pradesh High Court will start hearing petitions filed against the decision of Chief Minister YSThe prolonged suspense over the fate of three capitals will end in the coming days with the High Court starting hearing of the petitionsHowever on May 2 the High Court deferred its decision to hear the cases afresh to August 23 on the ground that it was not in a position to take up regular hearing of any cases in the wake of growing number of Coronavirus casesThey hoped that the High Court would resolve the capital issue in the coming days