Study identifies new treatment target for sleep apnea \
5 min read

Study identifies new treatment target for sleep apnea

Specialized channel proteins are possible therapeutic targets for sleep apnea and similar abnormally slow breathing disorders in obese people, suggest Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers who did a study on mice.
05-Nov-2022 Health
Potential new treatment target for sleep apnea identified during study \
5 min read

Potential new treatment target for sleep apnea identified during study

Specialized channel proteins are possible therapeutic targets for sleep apnea and similar abnormally slow breathing disorders in obese people, suggest Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers who did a study on mice.
31-Oct-2022 Science
Infant antibiotic use may negatively affect adult gut health \
3 min read

Infant antibiotic use may negatively affect adult gut health

London [UK], September 9 (ANI): Antibiotics are frequently administered to preterm and low birth weight infants in order to prevent infections, not simply treat them as they have a higher risk of developing them. A recent study discovered that neonatal mice exposed to antibiotics early in life had long-lasting consequences on their microbiota, enteric nervous system, and gut function. The study was published in The Journal of Physiology. This could imply that children who receive antibiotics as infants may have digestive problems.
09-Sep-2022 Health
Infant antibiotic use may negatively affect adult gut health \
3 min read

Infant antibiotic use may negatively affect adult gut health

London [UK], September 9 (ANI): Antibiotics are frequently administered to preterm and low birth weight infants in order to prevent infections, not simply treat them as they have a higher risk of developing them. A recent study discovered that neonatal mice exposed to antibiotics early in life had long-lasting consequences on their microbiota, enteric nervous system, and gut function. The study was published in The Journal of Physiology. This could imply that children who receive antibiotics as infants may have digestive problems.
09-Sep-2022 Health
Obesity in pregnancy increases risk of cardiovascular disease in offspring, says study \
4 min read

Obesity in pregnancy increases risk of cardiovascular disease in offspring, says study

Boulder (Colorado) [US], May 13 (ANI): According to a new study led by the University of Colorado, maternal obesity impairs heart health and the function of the foetus.
13-May-2022 Health
Consuming a high-fat diet disturbs body clock: Study \
5 min read

Consuming a high-fat diet disturbs body clock: Study

London [UK], September 11 (ANI): According to a new study, when rats are fed a high-fat diet, this disturbs the body clock in their brain that normally controls satiety, leading to over-eating and obesity.
11-Sep-2021 Health