Chennai Dec 28 PTI The Madras High Court has directed a number of officials including at the Secretary-level to coordinate on a plaint regarding alleged irregularities over a temples property here Justice S M Subramaniam gave the order recently on a petition from A Radhakrishnan who submitted that attempts were being made by miscreants to grab the properties of over 150 acres of Arulmigu Kothandaramar Thirukoil at Nandambakkam here by creating documents in a fraudulent manner The respondents include the Secretaries of Tourism Home and Revenue Commissioner of Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Department Chennai District Collector and City Police Commissioner among others The judge said the effort requires verification of revenue records documents and the claims of third parties Thus enquiry is to be conducted in respect of those properties revenue records in original must be verified with the assistance of the revenue authorities and the persons who all are claiming the ownership or title and the documents available with them are also to be looked into Thereafter all further actions are to be initiated for restoration of those properties if it is identified that such properties stand in the name of the temple Such efforts requires some more time for the authorities In view of the facts and circumstances this Court is inclined to direct the respondents 1 to 16 to extend co-ordination for the purpose of verification of the documents and revenue records etc and ascertain the facts and circumstances by collecting the documents and thereafter initiate all appropriate actions for recovery of the properties and for initiation of further actions against the offenders by following the procedures as contemplated under law the judge said and disposed of the plea PTI COR SA APR APR
Chennai Nov 19 PTI The Madras High Court has directed the Greater Chennai Police Commissioner to initiate swift action on complaints or information against the public authority and police officials regarding demand and acceptance of freebies bribes or any other extraneous considerations Justice S M Subramaniam gave the direction recently while allowing a writ petition from a small traders organisation in suburban Chrompet Also the Bench directed the Commissioner to constitute special squads for effective and efficient control of traffic system on GST Road and in strategical locations of other important roads in Greater Chennai He should sensitise the traffic police personnel to the issues prevailing and ensure free flow of traffic Dereliction of duty lapses or negligence must be viewed seriously the judge added According to the petitioner the authorities concerned were causing nuisance to the public at large by allowing the commuters to park the vehicles irregularly in front of their commercial establishments Large-scale irregular parking on the GST Road caused greater inconvenience to the people who were all passing through and it affected the free flow of traffic in the locality the petitioner contended PTI COR SA NVG NVG
Chennai October 25 PTI The Madras High Court on Monday reserved orders on an appeal from Tamil actor Vijay who sought removal of adverse remarks in an order by a single judge in a matter related to his earlier plea seeking exemption from entry tax for an imported car A Division Bench of Justices Pushpa Sathyanarayana and Mohammed Shaffiq reserved orders after listening to arguments advanced by Vijays senior counsel The counsel told the judges that the unwanted remarks made by Justice S M Subramaniam in July this year had hurt the sentiments of his client and lowered his image in the eyes of his fans and friends As directed by the single judge his client had remitted the remainder of entry tax of about Rs 32 lakh to the Commercial Tax Department in August Vijay alias C Joseph Vijay was also ready to donate money for any public purpose preferably to the Adyar Cancer Institute the senior advocate added and sought the court to expunge the unnecessary disparaging remarks made by the single judge against his client When the bench wondered as to whether the remarks of the single judge had not resulted in more popularity to the actor the senior counsel replied that it had in fact hurt his client Filing a petition challenging the demand for entry tax was not a sin The remarks had damaged his reputation and painted him as some sort of a criminal the counsel contended Vijay had imported a Rolls Royce Ghost car from United Kingdom in 2012 Justice Subramaniam had made certain observations vis-a-vis Vijay Among other things the judge had observed that reel heroes should be real heroes in real life After imposing a cost of Rs 1 lakh on him the judge had directed him to remit the remaining amount of 80 per cent of the entry tax PTI COR VGN VGN