Award-winning actress Divya Dutta finds her groove in K.S. Malhotra’s “Anth the End” \
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Award-winning actress Divya Dutta finds her groove in K.S. Malhotra’s “Anth the End”

New Delhi [India], September 22 (ANI/GPRC): Cinema, anywhere in the world, is all about the art of storytelling. But for effective telling of a story, you need the right medium, which, in case of cinema, is an artiste, who could be a director/filmmaker, an actor or actress, and a multitude of professionals who contribute to the ultimate vehicle - the movie, the magnum opus! But more than anything making movies is a teamwork, wherein a charismatic actor like Divya Dutta, who has the national award in her kitty, would need the able support of a passionate filmmaker like Kuljeet Singh Malhotra, to come up with a wonderful project called "Anth - The End."
22-Sep-2022 Business