Bengaluru Dec 21 PTI In an initiative to promote gender equality the Karnataka police has for the first time invited applications from transgenders for the posts of Special Reserve Sub-Inpsector The notification for the Karnataka state police recruitment-2021 said men women and transgenders including inservice of residual and Kalyana Karnataka Local - 2021-22 can apply to fill 70 posts Applicants must be a graduate or equivalent from a UGC recognised university and will have to get a cerfiticate from the district magistrate about their gender status without which the application will not be entertained Online applications commenced from December 20 and the last date for the exercise is January 18 2022 it said Nisha Gullur of Sangama a Non Government Organisation told PTI that she had moved the Karnataka High Court with a plea to allow transgenders to secure government jobs We moved the court in June 2020 and the judgment came in our favour this year It is a welcome decision that the Karnataka police is going to hire us Nisha said According to her there are over a lakh transgenders across Karnataka of which about 13000 are affiliated to her organisation Nisha said the next challenge will be to create a conducive atmosphere for transgenders in the offices where they work PTI GMS RS APR APR