In a video clip that has surfaced on social media platforms, the speaker, identified as Saidai Sadiq, mocked Khushbu and three other BJP leaders like actor Namitha, Gayathri Raghuram and Gautami. He could be heard saying the saffron party depended only on these "actresses" to make inroads into Tamil Nadu.
The action against the 19 Rajya Sabha MPs would likely escalate the opposition’s outrage against the government over what they claim was an attempt to silence voices. New Delhi: Nineteen MPs of the opposition have been suspended from Rajya Sabha for the rest of the week for disrupting the session today....
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The action against the 19 Rajya Sabha MPs would likely escalate the opposition’s outrage against the government over what they claim was an attempt to silence voices. New Delhi: Nineteen MPs of the opposition have been suspended from Rajya Sabha for the rest of the week for disrupting the session today....
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Virudhanagar (Tamil Nadu) [India], March 22 (ANI): The Virudhanagar Police on Monday arrested eight persons, including four minors, for allegedly raping a 22-year-old woman and threatening her to upload her nude video on social media.
Minister Narayan Rane struggled to answer a question asked by DMK MP Kanimozhi about MSMEs in Tamil Nadu. Watch the video:
#NarayanRane #Kanimozhi #TamilNadu #MSME #BJP #LokSabha #Parliament #MPKanimozhi #KanimozhiKarunanidhi
Minister Narayan Rane struggled to answer a question asked by DMK MP Kanimozhi about MSMEs in Tamil Nadu. Watch the video:
#NarayanRane #Kanimozhi #TamilNadu #MSME #BJP #LokSabha #Parliament #MPKanimozhi #KanimozhiKarunanidhi
Minister Narayan Rane struggled to answer a question asked by DMK MP Kanimozhi about MSMEs in Tamil Nadu. Watch the video:
#NarayanRane #Kanimozhi #TamilNadu #MSME #BJP #LokSabha #Parliament #MPKanimozhi #KanimozhiKarunanidhi
Minister Narayan Rane struggled to answer a question asked by DMK MP Kanimozhi about MSMEs in Tamil Nadu. Watch the video:
#NarayanRane #Kanimozhi #TamilNadu #MSME #BJP #LokSabha #Parliament #MPKanimozhi #KanimozhiKarunanidhi
Minister Narayan Rane struggled to answer a question asked by DMK MP Kanimozhi about MSMEs in Tamil Nadu. Watch the video:
#NarayanRane #Kanimozhi #TamilNadu #MSME #BJP #LokSabha #Parliament #MPKanimozhi #KanimozhiKarunanidhi
Minister Narayan Rane struggled to answer a question asked by DMK MP Kanimozhi about MSMEs in Tamil Nadu. Watch the video:
#NarayanRane #Kanimozhi #TamilNadu #MSME #BJP #LokSabha #Parliament #MPKanimozhi #KanimozhiKarunanidhi