Mumbai Feb 28 PTI Actor Manoj Bajpayee on Monday said he has finished filming for his investigative thriller DispatchDirected by Kanu Behl of Titli fame the movie is set in the world of crime journalismThe 51-year-old actor announced the films wrap on social mediaBye Bye Serbia Youve been a great host Thank you Dispatch filmwrap RonnieScrewvala KanuBehl shahanagoswami RSVPMovies he posted on TwitterIn Dispatch Bajpayee is essaying a character who finds himself sucked into the murky underbelly of business and crimeTo be produced by Ronnie Screwvalas RSVP the film will be a direct-to-digital release but a streaming platform has not been announced yetThe film also stars Shahana Goswami who has worked on movies such as Rock On RaOne and Firaaq PTI SHD SHD