Scientists find out how organic compound affects drug-resistant bacteria \
4 min read

Scientists find out how organic compound affects drug-resistant bacteria

Scientists suggested how an organic molecule affects bacteria that are resistant to drugs and have found that it can suppress and destroy a pathogen that can cause significant disease or, in some circumstances, death.
05-Nov-2022 Health
Scientists find out how organic compound affects drug-resistant bacteria \
4 min read

Scientists find out how organic compound affects drug-resistant bacteria

Scientists suggested how an organic molecule affects bacteria that are resistant to drugs and have found that it can suppress and destroy a pathogen that can cause significant disease or, in some circumstances, death.
05-Nov-2022 Health
Wet regions harbor dangerous germs: Study \
5 min read

Wet regions harbor dangerous germs: Study

Washington [US], July 25 (ANI): A well-regulated hot water system can prevent the spread of waterborne pathogens, including an emerging infectious disease problem from 'superbugs' which can be resistant to most antibiotics.
25-Jul-2022 Science