Mumbai Apr 19 PTI Actor Sidharth Malhotra is set to star in a new project by filmmaker Rohit Shetty which will expand the directors cop universe to the digital space streaming platform Amazon Prime Video announced on Tuesday While there is no official confirmation the project is said to be a series with Shetty serving as its showrunner It will be reportedly directed by Sushwanth PrakashWatch out for a thrilling ride coming your way tomorrow the Instagram account of Prime Video posted with a picture of the Shershaah star dressed as a cop Malhotra also posted the still and wrote Rohit Shettys cop universe goes digital tomorrow Shettys cop universe includes films like the Singham franchise headlined by Ajay Devgn Ranveer Singh-starrer Simmba and Sooryavanshi which featured Akshay Kumar PTI JUR SHD SHD