Chinese speaking voters disparage military position of Australia’s coalition towards China \
2 min read

Chinese speaking voters disparage military position of Australia’s coalition towards China

Canberra [Australia], May 14 (ANI): Militaristic position of Australia's coalition towards China has not gone down well with Chinese-speaking voters in Australia, an analysis of WeChat audience comments reveals.
14-May-2022 World
Moderna founder says, “Korean bio companies have advanced technologies” \
3 min read

Moderna founder says, “Korean bio companies have advanced technologies”

Massachusetts [US], January 13 (ANI/Global Economic): Robert Langer, a chair professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a co-founder of Moderna, in an online interview with the Korea Bio Association on January 12, said, "The development of science and technology in Korea is amazing. There are lots of bio companies with advanced technologies."
13-Jan-2022 World