Bengaluru Oct 23 PTI A court in Madhugiri in Tumakuru district Karnataka has issued a non-bailable warrant NBW against activist and revolutionary poet Varavara Rao He is out on bail on medical grounds in a different case with a condition not to move out of Mumbai his lawyer said Its a case pertaining to an attack on policemen in Tumakuru in 2005 in which Varavara Rao and Gaddar another activist-poet are among the accused advocate S Balan told PTI He said he would move the High Court on Monday challenging the NBW issued by the Additional Sessions Court at the taluk headquarters town of Madhugiri The case in which Rao has been made an accused is related to an attack by the Naxalites on a police team killing six of them and a civilian at Venkatammanahalli in Pavagada Taluk in Tumakuru district on February 10 2005 PTI GMS RS NVG NVG