Mumbai Aug 26 PTI The Big Bull actor Abhishek Bachchan said he has resumed work after suffering an injury in his hand on the Chennai set of his upcoming filmLast week there were reports that Abhishek had an accident and was being treated at a hospital in suburban Mumbai after his veteran star-father Amitabh Bachchan and sister author Shweta Bachchan Nanda were photographed at the medical facilityIn an Instagram post on Wednesday night the 45-year-old actor confirmed that he had a freak accident in which he fractured his right handHad a freak accident in Chennai on the set of my new film last Wednesday Fractured my right hand Needed surgery to fix it So a quick trip back home to Mumbai Surgery done all patched-up and casted Abhishek captioned his post-surgery photoThe actor thanked fans for their wishes and informed them that he was back to workAnd now back in Chennai to resume work As they say The show must go on And as my father said Mard ko dard nahin hota Ok ok ok it hurt a little Thank you all for your wishes and get-well-soon messages he said quoting the famous dialogue from his fathers 1985 film MardAbhishek recently completed work on the crime thriller Bob Biswas and Dasvi a comedy-drama PTI KKP RDS RDS