Death rate of children affected by malnutrition surged in Afghanistan: Report \
2 min read

Death rate of children affected by malnutrition surged in Afghanistan: Report

Kabul [Afghanistan], November 27 (ANI): Amid the severe shortages of medical supplies, the death rate of children affected by malnutrition in Afghanistan has surged in recent months, Afghan officials said.
27-Nov-2021 World
Surging deaths, malnutrition among Afghan children amid medical supply shortages \
2 min read

Surging deaths, malnutrition among Afghan children amid medical supply shortages

Kabul [Afghanistan], November 27 (ANI): Malnutrition and consequent deaths among Afghan children have increased by over 50 per cent owing to the shortage of medical supplies in Afghanistan hospitals.
27-Nov-2021 World
Afghanistan: Amid severe economic problems, hospital cuts down trees for fuel \
2 min read

Afghanistan: Amid severe economic problems, hospital cuts down trees for fuel

Kabul [Afghanistan], November 21 (ANI): Amid severe economic problems caused by the turmoil caused by the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, a hospital was forced to cut down trees to use as cooking fuel in its kitchen.
21-Nov-2021 World