It was earlier this month when Redmi India launched the Redmi 10A smartphone in the country. Alongside the budget offering, the brand also introduced the Redmi 10 Power. However, the company didn’t announce the sale date for the Redmi 10 Power at the time of the launch. Nonetheless, the affordable phone is now available for […]
Motorola India will officially launch the Moto G52 smartphone today in India. The handset is already available in the European market, and today, it will make its way to India. The smartphone is also listed on Flipkart, which confirms that the phone will be sold via the e-commerce platform. The device is said to carry […]
The Lenovo-owned brand Motorola recently introduced Moto G52 in Europe. The brand is reportedly planning to launch the device in India by this month itself. However, there is no official word from the company yet. If the recent report is to be believed, we can expect the phone to go official in India in the […]