Nagpur Apr 18 PTI Three persons were killed after their motorcycle was hit by a speeding multi-utility vehicle in Narkhed area of Nagpur police said on Monday Roshan Nandaram Mungbhate 25 Ramchandra Mahadev Nehare 52 and Ranjana Ramchandra Nehare 45 were going past Junona Fukey village on Sunday evening when the accident took place an official said The MUVs driver Vinod Hiraman Nehare 25 has been arrested and charged with causing death by negligence as well as rash driving the Narkhed police station official said PTI COR BNM BNM
Ahmedabad Dec 29 PTI Two minor boys and a woman were killed and nearly 10 other people injured when their multi-utility vehicle MUV rammed into a stationary truck in Gujarats Ahmedabad district on Wednesday morning police said The MUV was going from Vapi in south Gujarat towards Rajkot in Saurashtra when it hit the truck parked on a roadside from behind near Bagodara town on a state highway an official from Bagodara police station said Two school-going boys and a woman were killed in the accident he said Around 10 other passengers of the MUV were injured and rushed to the civil hospital in Ahmedabad for treatment the official said PTI KA GK GK