Panaji Mar 21 PTI Chief Minister-designate Pramod Sawant on Monday said his incoming government will work with full transparency and take forward the mission of Swayampurna Goa 20 which is an extension of Prime Minister Narendra Modis Aatmanirbhar Bharat programmeTalking to reporters here soon after being elected the BJP legislature party leader giving him a second term as CM Sawant said creation of adequate infrastructure and human development would be the focus areas of the state government in the next five yearsHe said his outgoing government had successfully implemented Swayampurna Goa 10 and its second version will be executed with even more vigourSwayampurna Goa is an extension of Prime Minister Modis Aatmanirbhar Bharat scheme which will be implemented across the state with thrust on self-sufficiency he saidUnder the programme a state government officer is appointed as Swayampurna Mitra who visits a designated panchayat or municipality interacts with people coordinates with multiple departments and ensures that benefits of various welfare schemes reach the targeted populationHe said he will take along non-BJP legislators who have extended their support to the new governmentWe will work with full transparency taking into confidence the parties which have extended their support to the government We all will work together he saidThe BJP has received support from the regional outfit MGP which has two MLAs and three Independent legislators putting their combined strength in the 40-member Assembly at 25 above simple majority mark of 21 The ruling party won 20 seats in the February 14 Assembly polls results of which were announced on March 10He said the BJP will continue giving good governance in the coastal state PTI RPS RSY RSY