Mumbai Mar 25 PTI A BJP MLA on Friday claimed that some women who had gone to a movie theatre in Maharashtras Nashik to watch The Kashmir Files wearing saffron scarves were asked to deposit the cloth before entering the premises based on an order from above Raising the issue in the state Assembly Devyani Pharande the MLA from Nashik Central asked the Maha Vikas Aghadi MVA government to explain if such an order had been passed or else take action against the concerned theatre owner Some women had gone to see The Kashmir Files at PVR in Nashik They had worn saffron scarves so that they could identify each other The security guards there asked the women to deposit the scarves and tried to snatch the scarves from those who refused to deposit them They the security guards said they had orders from above Pharande alleged Asking the MVA government why it was so angry with the colour saffron the MLA demanded action against security guards involved in the incident Who gave the order from above to the owner of the PVR theatre The government should explain if such an order had been passed Or else take action against the PVR theatre she demanded Responding to the legislator Parliamentary Affairs Minister Anil Parab said that state Home Minister Dilip Walse Patil will be informed immediately about this case PTI ENM ARU ARU