Scientists use deep planetary scans to confirm Martian core \
6 min read

Scientists use deep planetary scans to confirm Martian core

Seismologists from The Australian National University (ANU) have developed a new method to scan the deep interior of planets in our solar system to confirm whether they have a core at the heart of their existence.
30-Oct-2022 Science
Hopping space dust makes asteroids look rougher: Study \
7 min read

Hopping space dust makes asteroids look rougher: Study

Washington [US], July 12 (ANI): When NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft arrived at the asteroid Bennu, scientists discovered something surprising about the asteroid's surface wasn't smooth like many were expecting but was covered in large boulders. Now, a team of physicists think they know why.
12-Jul-2022 Science
Research suggests hopping space dust makes asteroids look rougher \
7 min read

Research suggests hopping space dust makes asteroids look rougher

Washington [US], July 11 (ANI): According to a new study from physicists at the University of Colorado Boulder, like corn kernels pop in a frying pan, tiny grains of dust may hop around on the surface of asteroids.
12-Jul-2022 Science
Scientists observe stunning formation of a Jupiter like planet that is ‘in the womb’ \
3 min read

Scientists observe stunning formation of a Jupiter like planet that is ‘in the womb’

NASA claims to have photographed evidence of a Jupiter-like planet-forming using its Hubble Space Telescope. The experts have described it as an “intense and violent process,” according to NASA. The astonishing discovery will shed light on current planetary formation theories. The planet is still in the womb, according to the news agency Reuters. Such claims […]
05-Apr-2022 Science
Scientists make breakthrough discovery about extreme exoplanet’s atmosphere \
5 min read

Scientists make breakthrough discovery about extreme exoplanet’s atmosphere

Bern [Switzerland], January 29 (ANI): The atmosphere of planets always accounts for an interesting study for astronomers to find out how life-supporting they are. The atmosphere of Earth is not a uniform envelope but consists of distinct layers that each have characteristic properties.
29-Jan-2022 Science