Former Punjab CM @capt_amarinder will address a Press Conference in Chandigarh tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct 27) at 11am. The event will be telecast live on his Facebook Page. Do tune in. — Raveen Thukral (@RT_Media_Capt) October 26, 2021 Singh had last week said he would soon launch his own party, and that he was hopeful of a seat arrangement with the Bharatiya Janata Party provided the ongoing farmers’ stir against farm laws was resolved in their interest.
Former Punjab CM @capt_amarinder will address a Press Conference in Chandigarh tomorrow (Wednesday, Oct 27) at 11am. The event will be telecast live on his Facebook Page. Do tune in. — Raveen Thukral (@RT_Media_Capt) October 26, 2021 Singh had last week said he would soon launch his own party, and that he was hopeful of a seat arrangement with the Bharatiya Janata Party provided the ongoing farmers’ stir against farm laws was resolved in their interest.