Study gives more insight into vagus nerve’s link to brain \
4 min read

Study gives more insight into vagus nerve’s link to brain

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus have shown a direct link between vagus nerve stimulation and its connection to the learning centres of the brain. The discovery may lead to treatments that will improve cognitive retention in both healthy and injured nervous systems.
26-Nov-2022 Science
Immune molecule’s complex role in Huntington’s disease: Study \
4 min read

Immune molecule’s complex role in Huntington’s disease: Study

More than a decade before people with Huntington's disease show symptoms, they can exhibit abnormally high levels of an immune-system molecule called interleukin-6 (IL-6), which has led many researchers to suspect IL-6 of promoting the eventual neurological devastation associated with the genetic condition. A new investigation by MIT neuroscientists shows that the story likely isn't so simple. In a new study they found that Huntington's model mice bred to lack IL-6 showed exacerbated symptoms compared to HD mice that still had it.
07-Nov-2022 Health
Research: Growing motor neurons guided by ‘love-hate relationship’ with blood vessels \
5 min read

Research: Growing motor neurons guided by ‘love-hate relationship’ with blood vessels

When neurons involved in movement called motor neurons form, they must build connections that reach from the brain, brainstem, or spinal cord all the way to the head, arms, or the tips of the toes. How neurons navigate these systems and "decide" where and how to grow has largely been a mystery.
06-Nov-2022 Health
Study finds new mechanism linked to memories, social interactions decline with age \
7 min read

Study finds new mechanism linked to memories, social interactions decline with age

Washington [US], September 18 (ANI): One of the most painful elements of age-related memory loss is being unable to recall the face that goes with the name of someone you just spoke with hours before. While researchers do not know why this malfunction develops, a new study has revealed some significant new information.
18-Sep-2022 Science
Antioxidants that target the spinal fluid to prevent ‘chemo brain’ \
6 min read

Antioxidants that target the spinal fluid to prevent ‘chemo brain’

Boston [US], September 14 (ANI): Chemo brain, a chronic side effect that makes it difficult to recall things, pay attention, and learn new information, affects up to three-quarters of cancer patients getting chemotherapy. When it affects children, whose brains are still developing, it could affect their academic performance and self-esteem.
14-Sep-2022 Health
New study shows how memory of personal interactions declines with age \
7 min read

New study shows how memory of personal interactions declines with age

Washington [US], September 13 (ANI): One of the most upsetting aspects of age-related memory decline is not being able to remember the face that accompanies the name of a person you just talked with hours earlier. While researchers don't understand why this dysfunction occurs, a new study has provided some important new clues.
13-Sep-2022 Science
Researchers reveal how visual information travels from retina to midbrain \
9 min read

Researchers reveal how visual information travels from retina to midbrain

Washington [US], September 13 (ANI): Neuroscientists have revealed the precise connections between sensory neurons inside the retina and the superior colliculus, a structure in the midbrain. Neuropixels probes are a relatively recent development, representing the next generation of electrodes. Densely packed with recording points, Neuropixels probes are used to record the activity of nerve cells, and have facilitated these recent insights into neuronal circuits. The researchers describe a fundamental principle which is common to the visual systems of mammals and birds.
13-Sep-2022 Science
Brain cells with same ‘birthdate’ are more likely to wire together into cooperative signalling circuits \
5 min read

Brain cells with same ‘birthdate’ are more likely to wire together into cooperative signalling circuits

Washington [US], August 23 (ANI): Brain cells with the same 'birthdate' are more likely to wire together into cooperative signalling circuits that carry out many functions, including the storage of memories, a new study finds.
23-Aug-2022 Science
Study reveals Alzheimer’s may lead to loss of visual memory \
7 min read

Study reveals Alzheimer’s may lead to loss of visual memory

Washington [US], August 21 (ANI): According to a new MIT study, Alzheimer's disease impacts at least one form of visual memory by deteriorating a recently discovered circuit that connects the image processing areas of each brain hemisphere.
21-Aug-2022 Health
Potential benefits of re-purposed drug for motor neuron disease patients \
6 min read

Potential benefits of re-purposed drug for motor neuron disease patients

Washington [US], August 14 (ANI): According to a recent study, a medication commonly used to treat enlarged prostates and high blood pressure has demonstrated promise as a potential new treatment for motor neuron disease (MND), also known as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).
14-Aug-2022 Health