Over 2.5 Lakh Persons Participated In “Raktdaan Mahotsav” Blood Drive \
3 min read

Over 2.5 Lakh Persons Participated In “Raktdaan Mahotsav” Blood Drive

Blood Donation
With over 2.5 lakh people voluntarily donating blood, India recorded a new milestone under ‘Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav’, said the Ministry of Health on Saturday. New Delhi:  With over 2.5 lakh people voluntarily donating blood, India recorded a new milestone under ‘Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav’, said the Ministry of Health on Saturday.... The post appeared first on .
01-Oct-2022 National
Restructured Nikshay portal to be launched shortly to adopt TB patients \
2 min read

Restructured Nikshay portal to be launched shortly to adopt TB patients

New Delhi [India], June 2 (ANI): The Central Government is planning to launch restructured Nikshay portal shortly to adopt Tuberculosis patients and provide them with a nutritional support system.
02-Jun-2022 National