OnePlus 10 Pro 5G India launch has been set for March 31, 2022. The has company teased the device on its official Twitter account, revealing its launch date and time. According to the teaser, OnePlus will launch the 10 Pro handset at 7:30 pm IST. In addition to this, the Chinese phone maker will also […]
The cameras of a smartphone are one of the main features. It would not be wrong to say that cameras of flagship smartphones have kind of replaced DSLRs nowadays. A decent camera module in a smartphone is very important, as most people like to take selfies and photographs. Also, DSLRs are tough to handle as […]
Black Friday is traditionally hosted a day after Thanksgiving and this year’s Black Friday falls on November 26, 2021. Though Black Friday Sale is just one day away, several e-commerce websites have already started the sale where several smartphones, tablets, headphones and more are being offered at a discount price. Here are the top deals […]
OnePlus, on Wednesday, launched the highly anticipated OnePlus 9RT device and put an end to weeks of rumours and speculation. The OnePlus 9RT phone has been introduced as an upgrade to the OnePlus 9R smartphone that debuted along with the OnePlus 9 and OnePlus 9 Pro devices earlier this year. The handset gets a flagship […]
Last month, it was reported that OnePlus will ditch the 9T lineup and will introduce a 9 RT smartphone. Now, a new report from 91Mobiles has revealed why the company will not launch the OnePlus 9T and 9T Pro. OnePlus believes its existing OnePlus 9 Series and affordable smartphones meet the specific needs of users […]