Last month, OnePlus launched the 9RT and Buds Z2 in China, and now the company is planning to launch them in India soon. The smartphone will be introduced in India with a different name. As per tipster Ishan Agarwal, the OnePlus 9RT will be launched in India as OnePlus RT and is likely to come […]
OnePlus, the Chinese tech giant had launched the 9RT smartphone on October 13, 2021, in the home country. Now, the company plans to introduce the device in the Indian market. A known tipster who goes by the name of Mukul Sharma has revealed that OnePlus will launch the 9RT device in India with a different […]
Last month, it was reported that OnePlus will ditch the 9T lineup and will introduce a 9 RT smartphone. Now, a new report from 91Mobiles has revealed why the company will not launch the OnePlus 9T and 9T Pro. OnePlus believes its existing OnePlus 9 Series and affordable smartphones meet the specific needs of users […]
Last week, we heard speculations regarding the OnePlus ditching the OnePlus 9T smartphone this year. Instead, the company is expected to launch a new device called OnePlus 9 RT device. As per last week’s report, the OnePlus 9 RT is likely to debut in October 2021, as the successor to the OnePlus 9R 5G. Now, […]
Last month, we heard reports about the OnePlus ditching the OnePlus 9T smartphone. Now as per a new report, OnePlus will launch a new handset under the T series in October 2021. According to a report from Android Central, this smartphone is said to be the OnePlus 9 RT phone and a tweaked version of the OnePlus […]