According to police, based on tip-off a team of Guwahati city police led by Joint Commissioner Partha Sarathi Mahanta and ADCP Kalyan Pathak conducted the operation and recovered 50,000 Yaba tablets and 200 grams of Heroin from an ambulance.
According to police, based on secret information a team of Guwahati city police led by Joint Commissioner of Police Partha Sarathi Mahanta and ADCP Kalyan Pathak conducted an operation and recovered 50,000 Yaba tablets and 200 grams of Heroin from an ambulance.
Guwahati (Assam) [India], July 30 (ANI): In mass disposal of drugs, Guwahati Police on Saturday burnt down 935 kg of drugs seized at Hatishila Daampara under Pragjyotishpur police station on the outskirts of the city.
Guwahati (Assam), [India], May 7 (ANI): In its war against drugs, the Guwahati city police seized drugs worth about Rs 400 crore in the last 11 months and arrested 448 people, the police informed on Saturday.