Parties convene Jirga to defend rights of pashtuns in Pakistan \
2 min read

Parties convene Jirga to defend rights of pashtuns in Pakistan

Bannu [Pakistan], March 12 (ANI): To protest for the rights of ethnic minority Pashtuns and to discuss the issues faced by them, many parties in Pakistan's Bannu city convened a jirga on Friday.
12-Mar-2022 World
Pakistan formally arrests imprisoned PTM leader Ali Wazir for provocative speeches \
2 min read

Pakistan formally arrests imprisoned PTM leader Ali Wazir for provocative speeches

Karachi [Pakistan], February 23 (ANI): In a move to clampdown Pashtuns, Pakistan police formally arrested incarcerated Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM)) leader Ali Wazir in another case pertaining to allegedly delivering provocative speeches against the security establishment.
23-Feb-2022 World
Pakistan: PTM continue to demand release of Pashtun leader Ali Wazir \
2 min read

Pakistan: PTM continue to demand release of Pashtun leader Ali Wazir

Islamabad [Pakistan], February 15 (ANI): The Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) continued its sit-in outside the Sindh Assembly on Monday demanding the release of Pashtun leader Ali Wazir.
15-Feb-2022 World
Pak lawmaker Mohsin Dawar launches party to promote secular, federal, democratic system \
2 min read

Pak lawmaker Mohsin Dawar launches party to promote secular, federal, democratic system

Peshawar [Pakistan], September 2 (ANI): Pakistani lawmaker Mohsin Dawar and some of his Pashtun colleagues on Wednesday launched a party called National Democratic Movement (NDM), with the aim to promote a secular, federal and democratic parliamentary system.
02-Sep-2021 World