Hours after Delhi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) chief Adesh Gupta resigned from his post following the party's defeat in the MCD polls, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) spokesperson Saurabh Bhardwaj on Sunday urged BJP to appoint someone 'civilised' as the next chief of its unit in the nationalk capital.
New Delhi: Tamil writer Perumal Murugan’s photograph has made it to BJP posters of a campaign called ‘Jhuggi Samman Yatra’ being run by the party in order to reach out to Delhi’s slum dwellers. The party described it as an inadvertent error, according to media reports
In the poster, which was shared on Twitter by the Delhi BJP handle and hoardings of which appeared in the city, Murugan is seen among a group of people meant to represent Delhi’s slum residents.
New Delhi: Tamil writer Perumal Murugan’s photograph has made it to BJP posters of a campaign called ‘Jhuggi Samman Yatra’ being run by the party in order to reach out to Delhi’s slum dwellers. The party described it as an inadvertent error, according to media reports
In the poster, which was shared on Twitter by the Delhi BJP handle and hoardings of which appeared in the city, Murugan is seen among a group of people meant to represent Delhi’s slum residents.
New Delhi [India], September 3 (ANI): A couple was arrested from Panipat on Thursday for allegedly murdering a maid during a robbery in the Patel Nagar area of Delhi.