Scientists at NASA are excited to unravel more secrets about Mars’s climatic evolution. Additionally, the search for aqueous life is still on the agenda. Moreover, the Perseverance rover just found out that the Mars crater was a lake. Secrets from the images sent by NASA’s Perseverance rover From the images sent by NASA‘s Perseverance rover, […]
Perseverance, the NASA Mars rover succeeded in drilling martian rocks despite its initial failure. Read to know about what Adam Steltzner, the rover’s chief engineer calls ‘one beautifully perfect cored sample’. NASA Mars Rover: Success at the second attempt The attempt, nicknamed ‘Rochette’ is from a rock size of a briefcase from a ridgeline which […]
Perseverance, the NASA Mars Rover is on a mission to find proof of alien life. The rover drilled into the Martian surface. However, it failed in its first attempt to collect rock samples. The initial failure of the NASA Mars Rover Perseverance, NASA’s rover drilled into the surface successfully. However, it was unable to collect […]