BJP's spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla hit out at the Congress leadership saying, "Once a thief, always a thief. INC does not stand for Indian National Congress. It stands for "I need Chori" and those who are having the DNA of 'Chori."
New Delhi Dec 23 PTI National spokesperson of the BJP Shehzad Poonawala was appointed as the IT and Social Media department in-charge of the partys Delhi unit on ThursdayDelhi BJP president Adesh Gupta appointed Poonawalla as the in-charge of the IT and Social Media department He replaced Vineet Goenka who will now serve as a spokesperson of the Delhi BJP a statement issued by the party saidThe appointments came into force with immediate effect it addedIn a tweet Poonawala thanked senior BJP leaders including the partys national president JP Nadda for being given the new responsibility PTI VIT RC