New Delhi Jan 29 PTI A 22-year-old member of the infamous Sonu Dariyapur gang was arrested from north Delhis Bawana after a brief exchange of fire with police which left him injured officials said on SaturdayKuldeep alias Aslam a resident of Pooth Khurd was arrested based on a tip-off they said adding he was wanted in two cases of robbery and theft registered at the Bawana police stationThe police said a country-made pistol a live and an empty cartridge and a motorcycle allegedly robbed were recovered from his possessionA senior police officer said that based on the secret information a trap was laid in Bawana Sector-3 where the accused was intercepted on his motorcycleAs he saw the police he fired a bullet which was retaliated by the forces with five rounds of fire before he was nabbed the official saidKuldeep has received a bullet injury in his leg and his condition is stated to be out of danger the officer saidKuldeep was previously involved in nine other cases and currently working on the direction of the Sonu Daryipur gang facilitating it with stolen bikes arms etc they added PTI NIT TIR TIR
New Delhi [India], November 8 (ANI): In a shocking incident, a man allegedly threw acid on a woman for not accepting his offers in the Bawana area of the national capital.