Aurobindo Marg carriageway blocked for Chehlum \
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Aurobindo Marg carriageway blocked for Chehlum

New Delhi Sep 28 PTI The Aurobindo Marg carriageway from the Safdarjung Madarsa to the INA in the national capital has been blocked for Chehlum arrangement the Delhi Traffic Police said on TuesdayThe department took to Twitter to inform commuters about the developmentThe carriageway has been blocked with barricades by local police for Chehlum arrangement at the Karbala Jorbagh it said in a tweetNo traffic movement is allowed on Aurobindo Marg from the Safdarjung Madarsa towards AIIMS Commuters are requested to avoid this road and use other options it addedChehlum commemorates the 40th day of the martyrdom of Prophet Mohammeds grandson Imam HusainIn another tweet the traffic police said Pandit Pant Marg both carriageway has been closed for traffic movement due to demonstration There was a demonstration on Pandit Pant Marg by MCD workers but that has concluded PTI NIT IJT
28-Sep-2021 National