CBSE has communicated Term-1 examination results for Class 12 to schools Official \
3 min read

CBSE has communicated Term-1 examination results for Class 12 to schools Official

New Delhi Mar 19 PTI The Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE has communicated the performance report of the Term-I exams for Class 12 to schools an official has said Last year the CBSE had announced that the board examinations for 2022 will be conducted in two terms The Term-I exams for major subjects were held between November 30 and December 11 last year The performance of the Term-I exams for Class 12 has been communicated to the schools by the CBSE Only the scores in theory have been communicated as internal assessment or practical scores are already available with the schools the official said The board released the date-sheet for the Term-II exams on Friday The exams will commence from April 26 Since it was Term-I only the board has not issued any mark sheet or passing certificate which it said will be issued only after the Term-II exam It has also constituted an online dispute redressal mechanism for any disputes regarding the Term-I examinations which it said was made available immediately The online link will stay live till March 31 it said adding that the disputes will be settled only after the Term II exams though The board said that no performance was shared for students who missed their Term-I exams due to COVID or due to their participating in any national or international exam or sport event Their final performance will be assessed on the basis of their performance in Term-II examinations it said To address the difficulty level between the two sets of Question Papers in Term-I examinations needful action will be taken at the time of preparation of the final result The board said in the circular For students placed in the RepeatCompartment Pass category the result will be declared only after Term-II exams The Compartment Exams will be conducted on the basis of the syllabus of Term-II examinations it said The board will not allow students the option of changing their examination centre for Term-II exams As for correspondence or private candidates since they will be appearing only in Term-II exams their marks in practical and theory will be awarded on pro rata basis the CBSE said It also said that due care has been taken to address any totalling or marking mistake in the academic interest of the students The board said action as per rules on unfair means sub judice not eligible and result later cases etc will be taken at the time of final results Such candidates are presently allowed to appear in Term-II Examinations it said The board had communicated the first term results for class 10 to schools on March 12 PTI GJS SLB VN VN
20-Mar-2022 National
CBSE has communicated Term-1 examination results for Class 12 schools Official \
1 min read

CBSE has communicated Term-1 examination results for Class 12 schools Official

New Delhi Mar 19 PTI The Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE has communicated the performance report of the Term-1 exams for Class 12 to schools according to an officialLast year the CBSE had announced that the board examinations for 2022 will be conducted in two terms The Term-1 exams for major subjects were held between November 30 and December 11 last yearThe performance of the Term-1 exams for Class 12 has been communicated to the schools by the CBSE Only the scores in theory have been communicated as internal assessment or practical scores are already available with the schools the official saidThe board released the date-sheet for the Term-2 exams on Friday The exams will commence from April 26 The board had communicated the first term results for class 10 to schools on March 12 PTI GJS ANB ANB
19-Mar-2022 National
All regional languages kept in minor subjects category for 1st term exams for class 10 12 CBSE \
3 min read

All regional languages kept in minor subjects category for 1st term exams for class 10 12 CBSE

New Delhi Oct 22 PTI The Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE on Friday clarified that all regional languages have been kept in the category of minor subjects for first term exams for class 10 and 12The clarification by the CBSE came following objection by Punjab Chief Minister Charanjit Singh Channi to keeping Punjabi out of the main subjectsI firmly oppose the CBSEs authoritarian decision to keep Punjabi out of the main subjects This is against the federal spirit of Constitution violating the right of Punjabi youth to learn their native language I condemn this biased exclusion of Punjabi Channi had tweetedResponding to his objection a senior board official said As it is known the CBSE has declared the date sheet of the major subjects of classes 10 and 12 for term I Examinations It is clarified that the classification of subjects has been done purely on administrative ground for the purpose of conduct of first term exams based on the number of candidates appearing in the subject and in no way reflects the importance of subjects as major or minorEvery subject is equally important from academic point of view Punjabi is one of the regional languages being offered All the regional languages have been put under the minor category for the purpose of administrative convenience in relation to the logistics required for the conduct of examinations the official addedThe board had on Monday announced that the first term board exams for class 10 will begin from November 30 while the exams for class 12 are scheduled from December 1 While the exams for minor subjects for class 10 will be conducted from November 17 to December 7 those for class 12 will be conducted from November 16 to December 30Bifurcating the academic session holding two term-end exams and rationalising the syllabus were part of the special assessment scheme for class 10 and 12 CBSE board exams for 2021-22 which were announced in July in view of the COVID-19 pandemicThe CBSE is offering 114 subjects in class 12 and 75 subjects in class 10 Out of these 19 are major subjects in class 12 and nine in class 10The exams will be objective and the duration of the tests will be 90 minutes The exams will start from 1130 am instead of 1030 am in view of the winter seasonThe exams for the minor subjects will be conducted by schools though the question paper will be provided by the board PTI GJS KJ KJ
22-Oct-2021 National
CBSE announces date sheet for minor subjects for class 10 12 board exams \
2 min read

CBSE announces date sheet for minor subjects for class 10 12 board exams

New Delhi Oct 21 PTI The Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE on Thursday announced the date sheet for minor subjects in the first term board exams for classes 10 and 12 While the exams for minor subjects for class 10 will be conducted from November 17 to December 7 those for class 12 will be conducted from November 16 to December 30 The board had on Monday announced that the first term board exams for class 10 will begin from November 30 while the exams for class 12 is scheduled from December 1 Bifurcating the academic session holding two term-end exams and rationalising the syllabus were part of the special assessment scheme for class 10 and 12 CBSE board exams for 2021-22 which were announced in July in view of the COVID-19 pandemic The CBSE is offering 114 subjects in class 12 and 75 subjects in class 10 Out of these 19 are major subjects in class 12 and nine in class 10 The exams will be objective and the duration of the tests will be 90 minutes The exams will start from 1130 am instead of 1030 am in view of the winter season The exams for the minor subjects will be conducted by schools though the question paper will be provided by the board PTI GJS GJS ANB ANB
21-Oct-2021 National
CBSE issues clarification against fake datesheet for 10th 12th \
2 min read

CBSE issues clarification against fake datesheet for 10th 12th

New Delhi Oct 18 PTI The Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE on Monday clarified that it has not released any official notification on the first term exam datesheet for Classes 10 and 12 It has come to the notice of CBSE that a fake datesheet is being circulated on social media for the forthcoming term 1 exams in Nov 2021 to confuse students of class X and XII It is clarified that the board has not released any official notification in this regard till now the board said in a tweet The CBSE had last week said that the first-term board examinations for Classes 10 and 12 will be conducted offline in November-December and the datesheet for the same will be announced on October 18 However the exam schedule has not been released yet The board had said the exams will be objective and the duration of the tests will be 90 minutes The exams will start from 1130 am instead of 1030 am in view of the winter season Bifurcating the academic session holding two term-end exams and rationalising the syllabus were part of the special assessment scheme for Classes 10 and 12 board exams in 2021-22 announced by the CBSE in July in view of the COVID-19 pandemic PTI GJS MGA MGA
18-Oct-2021 National
CBSE to conduct Central Teacher Eligibility Test between Dec 16-Jan 13 \
1 min read

CBSE to conduct Central Teacher Eligibility Test between Dec 16-Jan 13

New Delhi Sep 18 PTI The Central Board of Secondary Education will conduct the Central Teacher Eligibility Test CTET between December 16 and January 13 it said in a statement The test will be conducted in 20 languages throughout the country in computer based test mode the board said The information bulletin containing details of the examination syllabus languages eligibility criteria examination fee examination cities and important dates will be available on the CTETs website httpsctetnicin from September 20 according to the Central Board of Secondary Education CBSECandidates have to apply online only through the CTET website The online application-process will be start on September 20 and end on October 19 The fee can be paid up to October 20 before 330 pm PTI SLB ANB ANB
18-Sep-2021 National