Noida Apr 18 PTI With the UP government making wearing of masks mandatory in public places in NCR districts due to rise in COVID-19 cases the Gautam Buddh Nagar police on Monday started an awareness campaign to ensure everyone had their faces covered Police Commissioner Alok Singh directed officials and asked them to use public address systems for asking people to wear face masks according to an official statement Due to the increasing coronavirus infection all the officers ACPs and police station in-charges of the Commissariat are making announcements through the PA system regarding the guidelines and protocols related to COVID-19 in their areas the statement read The public was also made aware of action that could be taken over non-compliance of the COVID-19 protocol and for not wearing face masks the police said Gautam Buddh Nagar on Monday recorded 65 new cases of COVID-19 with 19 of them being children according to officials The number of active cases in the district adjoining Delhi stands at 332 the officials added PTI KIS RCJ
Noida Mar 21 PTI An idol was found damaged inside a temple in a village in Noida on Monday morning prompting the police to launch an investigation into the matter officials said Deputy Commissioner of Police Central Noida Harish Chander said the local Sector 63 police station was alerted about vandalisation inside a temple in Behlolpur villageA police team along with forensic experts and a dog squad reached the site to look into the matter immediately One idol was found in a damaged condition he said Some blood samples were also found there which prime facie look like human blood Apparently someone who broke a glass cover within which the idol was set got hurt and his blood dropped DCP Chander said The officer said the police are investigating all angles in the case and refuted rumour that a piece of meat was also strewn inside the temple compound He said the police have also contacted the temple priest who had gone to his home in the night and returned only in the morning when he witnessed the vandalisation Another rumour that the temple priest was held hostage at the time of the incident is incorrect DCP Chander said He said the law and order situation at the village was under control An FIR was being registered in the case and further investigation was underway he added PTI KIS RCJ
Noida Jan 27 PTI Unaccounted cash worth over Rs 21 lakh has been recovered from a Porsche-borne businessman in Noida ahead of the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls officials said on Thursday The businessman was intercepted near the Sector 60 police post in the city on Wednesday during checking by the local Sector 58 police station and the Static Surveillance Team in a joint operation the officials saidOver Rs 21 lakh cash was found in the Porsche that was being driven by a person who identified himself as Rohit Awana a resident of Noidas Sector 19 The car bore a UP registration number Assistant Commissioner of Police Noida 2 Rajneesh Verma told PTI Awana said he runs a petrol pump and was returning home from Gaur City in Greater Noida West with the collection money of last three-four days However he could not provide any document to substantiate his claim and hence the money was seized as per law Verma said He said the Income Tax department had been informed about the seizure and it was further carrying out legal procedures in the case Awana was questioned and released after due procedures the officer said adding the case was being investigated further to ascertain if the cash is linked to the upcoming polls So far unaccounted cash worth over Rs 150 crore has been seized in poll-bound Noida in recent days Assembly election in Noida in Gautam Buddh Nagar district is scheduled for February 10 PTI KIS RCJ