New Delhi Apr 25 PTI Over 46962precaution doses of COVID-19 vaccine were administered to those in the 18-59 years age group on Monday taking the total count of these doses to 464910 according to health ministry dataThe cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 18792 crore with more than 20lakh being administered till 7 pm the ministry saidIndia on April 10 began administering precaution doses to all aged above 18 years at private vaccination centresAll those above the age of 18 who have completed nine months after the administration of the second dose are eligible for the precaution doseOver 264 crore 26496544precaution doses have been administered to healthcare workers frontline workers and to those aged 60 and above so far The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late night The countrywidevaccinationdrive was rolled out on January 16 last year with healthcare workers getting inoculated in the first phaseVaccinationof frontline workers started from February 2 last yearThe next phase of COVID-19vaccinationcommenced on March 1 last year for people over 60 years of age and those aged 45 and above with specified comorbid conditions India launchedvaccinationfor all people aged more than 45 years from April 1 last year The government then decided to expand itsvaccinationdrive by allowing everyone above 18 years of age to be inoculated against the viral disease from May 1 last yearThe next phase ofvaccinationcommenced from January 3 for adolescents in the age group of 15-18 yearsIndia began administering precaution doses ofvaccinesto healthcare and frontline workers and those aged 60 and above with comorbidities from January 10 The country began inoculating children aged12-14from March 16 and also removed the comorbidityclausemakingall people aged above 60 eligiblefor the precaution dose of Covid vaccine PTI PLB ANB ANB
New Delhi Apr 23 PTI With 2527coronavirus infections being reported in a day Indias total tally of cases rose to 43054952 while active cases have increased to 15079 according to Union health ministry data updated on SaturdayThe death toll has climbed to 522149 with 33 fatalities the data updated at 8 am statedThe active cases comprise 004 per cent of the total infectionswhile the national COVID-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 9875 per cent the health ministry saidAn increase of 838cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hoursThe daily positivity rate has been recorded at 056per cent and the weekly positivity rate at050 per cent according to the health ministryThe number of people who have recuperated from the disease has surged to 42517724 while the case fatality rate has been recorded at121 per centThe cumulative doses administered so far under the nationwide COVID-19 vaccination drive has exceeded 18746croreIndias COVID-19 tally had crossed two crore cases on May 4 and three crore cases on June 23 last year PTI PLB ANB ANB
New Delhi Mar 25 PTI Over one crore children in the age group of 12-14 years have been administered the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine taking the cumulative doses given in the country to over 18283 crore according to the Union health ministryMore than 25 lakh 2581126 vaccine doses have been administered till 7 pm it saidThe vaccination for the 12-14 years age group started on March 16 with Biological Es intramuscular vaccine Corbevax two doses of which are to be administered 28 days apartAs of March 1 last year there were 47 crore children aged 12 and 13 years in the countryOver one crore children between the age group of 12-14 have received their first dose of COVID19 vaccine Congratulations to all my young warriors who got vaccinated Lets continue this momentum Mandaviya tweetedMore than 223 crore 22398041 precaution doses have been administered to healthcare workers frontline workers and those aged above 60 so far the ministry saidThe daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late night it saidThe countrywide vaccination drive was rolled out on January 16 last year with healthcare workers getting inoculated in the first phaseVaccination of frontline workers started from February 2 last year The next phase of COVID-19 vaccination commenced on March 1 last year for people over 60 years of age and those aged 45 and above with specified co-morbid conditions India launched vaccination for all people aged more than 45 years from April 1 last year The government then decided to expand its vaccination drive by allowing everyone above 18 years of age to be inoculated against the viral disease from May 1 last yearThe next phase of vaccination commenced from January 3 for adolescents in the age group of 15-18 years India began administering precaution doses of vaccines to healthcare and frontline workers and those aged 60 and above with comorbidities from January 10 The country began inoculating children aged 12-14 from March 16 PTI PLB ANB ANB
New Delhi Mar 25 PTI Over one crore children in the age-group of 12-14 years have been administered the first dose of COVID-19 vaccine Union Health Minister Mansukh Mandaviya said on FridayThe vaccination for this age group started on March16with Biological Es intramuscular vaccine Corbevax two doses of which are to be administered 28 days apartAs of March 1 last year there were 47 crore children aged 12 and 13 years in the countryOver one crore children between the age group of 12-14 have received their first dose of COVID19 vaccine Congratulations to all my young warriors who got vaccinated Lets continue this momentum Mandaviya tweetedThe cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country has exceeded18255 croreaccording to provisional reports till 7 am The countrywide vaccination drive was rolled out on January 16 last year with healthcare workers getting inoculated in the first phase Vaccination of frontline workers started from February 2 last yearThe next phase of COVID-19 vaccination commenced on March 1 last year for people over 60 years of age and those aged 45 and above with specified co-morbid conditions India launched vaccination for all people aged more than 45 years from April 1 last year The government then decided to expand its vaccination drive by allowing everyone above 18 years of age to be inoculated against the viral disease from May 1 last yearThe next phase of vaccination commenced from January 3 for adolescents in the age group of 15-18 yearsIndia began administering precaution doses of vaccines to healthcare and frontline workers and those aged 60 and above with comorbidities from January 10 The country began inoculating children aged 12-14 from March 16 PTI PLB ANB ANB
New Delhi Mar 24 PTI With 1938new coronavirus infections being reported in a day Indias total tally of cases rose to 43014687 while the active cases further declined to 22427 according to Union health ministry data updated on ThursdayThedeath toll has climbed to 516672 with 67 daily fatalities the data updated at 8 am statedThe active cases comprise 005 per cent of the total infections while the national COVID-19 recovery rate has been recorded at 9875 per cent the ministry saidA reduction of 660cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of24 hoursThe daily positivity rate has been recorded at029per cent and the weekly positivity rate at035 per cent according to the ministryThe last 24 hours saw a total of661954COVID-19tests being conducted in the country and so far over7849 crore tests have been doneThenumber of people who have recuperated from the disease has increased to 42475588 while the case fatality ratehas been recorded at120 per cent The cumulative doses administered so far under the nationwide COVID-19 vaccination drive has exceeded 18223crore Indias COVID-19 tally had crossed two crore cases on May 4 and three crore cases on June 23 PTI PLB ANB ANB
New Delhi Feb 28 PTI The single-day rise in coronavirus infections fell below 10000 after two months with 8013 cases taking Indias total tally to 42924130 while active cases have declined to 102601 according to Union health ministry data updated on MondayOn December 28 last year 9195 people were infected in a dayThe death toll has climbed to 513843 with 119 daily fatalities the data updated at 8 am statedThe daily COVID-19 cases have been recorded at less than one lakh for 22 consecutive daysThe active cases comprise 024 per cent of the total infections while the national COVID-19 recovery rate has further improved to 9856 per cent the health ministry said A reduction of 8871 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours it said The daily positivity rate has been recorded at 111 per cent while the weekly positivity rate has been recorded at 117 per cent according to the health ministryThe number of people who have recuperated from the disease increased to 42307686 while the case fatality rate has been recorded at 120 per centThe cumulative doses administered so far under the nationwide COVID-19 vaccination drive has exceeded 17750 croreIndias COVID-19 tally had crossed two crore cases on May 4 and three crore cases on June 23 PTI PLB ANB ANB
New Delhi Jan 25 PTI After being over three lakh for five consecutive days the single day rise in COVID-19 infections was recorded at 255874 taking Indias total tally of cases to 39799202 according to Union health ministry data updated on TuesdayThe death toll has climbed to 490462 with 614 daily fatalities the data updated at 8 am stated The ministry said that active cases have decreased to 2236842 and comprise 562 per cent of the total infections while the national COVID-19 recovery rate has decreased to 9315 per cent A reduction of 12493 cases has been recorded in active cases in a span of 24 hours The daily positivity rate was recorded at 1552 per cent while the weekly positivity rate was 1717 per cent according to the health ministryThe number of people who have recovered from the disease increased to 37071 898 while the case fatality rate was recorded at 123 per cent it saidThe cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country so far is over 16292 croreIndias COVID-19 tally had crossed 20 lakh on August 7 2020 30 lakh on August 23 40 lakh on September 5 and 50 lakh on September 16It went past 60 lakh on September 28 70 lakh on October 11 crossed 80 lakh on October 29 90 lakh on November 20 and surpassed the one-crore mark on December 19 2020India crossed two crore cases on May 4 and three crore cases on June 23 last year PTI PLB ANB ANB
New Delhi Dec 27 PTI The vaccine option against COVID-19 for children in the age group of 15-18 years who will be inoculated from January 3 would be Covaxin only according to new guidelines issued by the Union health ministry on MondayThe prioritisation and sequencing of the precaution dose third dose for healthcare workers HCWs frontline workers FLWs and citizens above 60 years of age with comorbidities would be based on completion of nine months from the date of administration of second dose which is 39 weeks the guidelines which will come into effect from January 3 statedHCWs FLWs and citizens aged 60 years or above with comorbidities will be able to access vaccination for the precaution dose through their existing Co-WIN account Eligibility for the precaution dose will be based on the date of administration of the second dose as recorded in the Co-WIN system which will send an SMS for availing the precaution dose when it becomes due the ministry informed Registration and appointment services can be accessed through online and onsite modes and details of administration of the precaution dose will reflect in vaccination certificates according to the guidelines Those aged 15 years or more will be able to register on Co-WIN In other words all those whose birth year is 2007 or before shall be eligible according to the Guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination of children between 15-18 years and precaution dose to HCWs FLWs and 60 population with comorbidities Beneficiaries can self-register online through an existing Co-WIN account or create a new account through a mobilephone number This facility is available for all eligible citizens only They can be also registered onsite by a verifier or vaccinator in the facilitated registration mode the ministry stated On vaccination of children the guidelines said For such beneficiaries option for vaccination would only be available for Covaxin as this is the only vaccine with EUL emergency use listing for the age-group 15-17 The ministry said that as a matter of abundant precaution for those HCWs FLWs who have received two doses another dose of COVID-19 vaccine would be provided from January 10People aged 60 years and above with comorbidities who have received two doses of COVID-19 vaccine will on doctors advice be provided with the precaution dose from January 10 it said The prioritisation and sequencing of this precaution dose would be based on the completion of nine months ie 39 weeks from the date of administration of second dose the guidelines statedCitizens irrespective of their income status are entitled to free COVID-19 vaccination at Government Vaccination Centres Those who have the ability to pay are encouraged to use private hospitals vaccination centres the ministry saidKeeping in view the recent global surge in COVID-19 cases detection of the Omicron variant that has been categorised Variant of Concern scientific evidence global practices and inputs of the COVID-19 Working Group of National Technical Advisory Group on Immunization as well as of the Standing Technical Scientific Committee of NTAGI it has now been decided to further refine the scientific prioritisation and coverage of vaccination the guidelines stated PTI PLB ANB ANB