New Delhi Mar 28 PTI With 1270new coronavirus infections beingreported in a day Indiastotal tally of COVID-19 cases roseto43020723while the active cases furtherdeclined to15859according to theUnion Health Ministry data updated on Monday Thedeath toll climbed to521035with 31 daily fatalitiesthe dataupdatedat 8 am stated The active casesconstitute004 per cent of the total infectionswhile the national COVID-19 recovery rate was recorded at 9875 per cent the health ministry said A reduction of 328cases was recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours The dailypositivity rate was recorded at029per centwhile the weekly positivity rate was 026 per cent according to the health ministry PTI PLB CJ CJ
New Delhi Mar 20 PTI Emergency services for patients with burn injuries have been made operational at the Burns and Plastic Surgery Block of AIIMS recently a statement from the premier health institute mentioned The facility located next to the Trauma Centre was so far being used as an ad hoc facility to treat COVID-19 patients The emergency services are made available on the ground floor of the Burns and Plastic Surgery Block with dedicated areas and one can enter from Chaudhary Jhandu Singh Road in JPNATC Campus according to a circular issued by the AIIMS medical superintendent on March 15 Eight observation beds have been facilitated for the emergency services it said The block according to the officials is equipped to handle approximately 15000 burn emergencies and 5000 burn admissions a year India records around 70 lakh burn injuries annually with mortality rate as high as 14 lakh people per year while another 24 lakh patients end up with severe deformities an official said PTI PLB CJ CJ
New Delhi Jan 21 PTI The cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 16105 crore on Friday the Union Health Ministry said More than 58 lakh 5837209 vaccine doses were administered till 7 pm on Friday At least 74 lakh 7427700 precaution doses for the identified categories of beneficiaries have been administered so far it said The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late night the ministry said The countrywide vaccination drive was rolled out on January 16 with healthcare workers getting inoculated in the first phase The vaccination of frontline workers started from February 2 The next phase of COVID-19 vaccination commenced from March 1 for people over 60 years of age and those aged 45 and above with specified co-morbid conditions The country launched vaccination for all people aged more than 45 years from April 1 The government then decided to expand its vaccination drive by allowing everyone above 18 to be vaccinated from May 1 The next phase of COVID-19 vaccination commenced from January 3 for adolescents in the age group of 15-18 years India began administering the precaution dose of COVID-19 vaccine to healthcare workers and frontline workers including the personnel deployed for election duty and those aged 60 and above with comorbidities from January 10 amid the country witnessing a spike in coronavirus infections fuelled by Omicron variant of the virus PTI PLB CJ CJ
New Delhi Jan 19 PTI The cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country crossed15954 crore on Wednesday the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare stated More than 62 lakh 6239005 vaccine doses were administered in the day till 7 pm Over 61 lakh precaution doses have been administered to frontline workers healthcare workers and citizens aged 60 and above the ministry stated A totalof 38293986doses have been given to adolescents in the age group of 15 to 18 years according to the health ministrys interim data The government rolled out the countrywidevaccinationdrive on January 16 last year with healthcare workers getting jabbed in the first phase From February 2 this was extended to frontline workers The next phase of COVID-19vaccinationcommenced from March 1 2021 for people above 60 years and those aged 45 and above but with specified co-morbid conditions All citizens aged 45 and above were eligible for the jab from April 1 The government then decided to expand itsvaccinationdrive by allowing all citizens above 18 years to get vaccinatedfrom May 1 The next phase of COVID-19 vaccination commenced from January 3 this year foradolescents in the age group of 15-18 years India began administeringthe precaution dose to healthcare workers frontline workers including personnel deployed for election dutyand those aged 60 years and above with co-morbidities from January 10even as the country began witnessing a spike in infections fuelled by the Omicron variant of the virus PTI PLB CJ CJ