Actor Arjun Kapoor, who is shooting in Delhi for his next and shared pictures from the sets on Tuesday. Recently, Arjun Kapoor revealed his love for the national capital and how it has always been tremendously lucky for his film career.
New Delhi [Indai], September 10 (ANI): The Delhi Metro on Saturday informed that train services between Qutab Minar and Sultanpur stations will not be available on Sunday morning for one hour due to maintenance work.
New Delhi [India], July 22 (ANI): The Delhi Metro on Friday informed that train services between Green Park and Qutab Minar will be regulated briefly due to track maintenance work on Sunday.
New Delhi [India], August 19 (ANI): A wanted criminal with a Rs 50,000 bounty was arrested by Delhi Police from Qutab Minar Metro Station on Thursday, said police.